2024-SEP-01 Info: Every September, the Mix Challenge audio community brings awareness to the topic mental health. Please have a look at Songwriting Competition 085.

Mastering Challenge - General Gossip Thread

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Mister Fox
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Mastering Challenge - General Gossip Thread


Post by Mister Fox »

Welcome to the General Gossip thread for the Mastering Challenge.

Want to talk about things that came up during the game that are a bit off-topic, neither are they really fitting for Production Techniques?
Got a question beforehand that is not covered in the Rules or FAQ?

Then this thread is for you. Please type away. :educate:

The game itself is currently on hold. There is no imminent plan for a revival.

 ⚠ Moderation Message from Mister Fox  
By joining the Mix(ing) Challenge, you agree to adhere to the given Rules and Guidelines (see post #4).

This thread is only for general feedback and constructive criticism, talk "overall game" topics (slight off-topic), ask questions if anything is unclear / not explained in each game thread already, and/or not covered in the FAQ, etc.

Any form of (ongoing) complaints / destructive criticism / harassment (e.g. "staff lecturing") will result in an instant delete of your post without any further warning. If you continue to push the matter, then only one formal warning will be addressed, after that your account will be banned. Please keep things civil.

This thread will be reset on a regular basis. (currently: every August)

Status: 2021-JAN-03 - thread reset
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