2025-FEB-09 Info: Please check out our current running games SWC 090 (Picture Theme, genre: free to select) and MC 102 (genre: Indie Rock)

Extended FAQ & Forum Rules

Rules, FAQs and a place to post possible issues with both the webpage and the forum
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Mister Fox
Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 3463
Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2017 16:15 CEST
Location: Berlin, Germany

Extended FAQ & Forum Rules


Post by Mister Fox »

Extended FAQ & Forum Rules

Please read and digest this set of rules for posting on the Mix Challenge Community Forum.
The standard phpBB FAQ is available here.

General Forum Rules
  • Topics should be posted in the relevant forum.
  • Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will result in your post being edited / deleted, and you may be issued with a warning and / or a ban. (which will be easily visable from a users perspective)
  • Posting of any material, or links to any material (images/text/audio/video) deemed by a moderator to be pornographic, inflammatory, inciteful, racist, overtly political, illegal or generally offensive or inappropriate will result in your post being edited / deleted, and you may be issued with a warning and / or a ban.
  • Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc. Users linking to, asking for information about, or blatantly bragging about using, warez, crackz, pirated sample content, re-printing material without permission, etc. will result in your post being edited / deleted, and you may be issued with a warning and / or a ban.
  • If a thread is locked or deleted this happened for good reason so don't start another thread demanding to know why the first thread was locked/deleted as that too will also be locked/deleted - if you wish to complain about such an incident please contact us privately. We will make clear with the thread/post was locked/deleted
  • Multiple accounts are, generally, not tolerated. Please do not create more than one account as it may lead to a ban, particularly if it looks like the reason for creating the additional account(s) is to circumvent a sub-forum ban or be used for shilling, trolling, etc.

Links (Affiliate links / Referral Links are forbidden)

Affiliate links / Referral Links are not acceptable. Any links must be direct and must not contain any marketing or affiliate tracking or redirection.

Link Shorteners, such as bit.ly, goo.gl, etc., are generally not acceptable and should not be used. Links should always point directly to the target URL so the browser knows exactly where they are going before they click the link.

  • Signatures are restricted in height to 50 pixels and width of 300 pixels
  • Signatures may contain up to 4 lines* of text (If no images) - INCLUDING blank lines / line breaks.
  • Text sizes should be between 9 and 12 (small and normal).
  • Signatures may contain a single image that should be no bigger than 300px wide x 50px high and no larger than 20kb in file size and may NOT be animated -- If a signature contains an image it may only also contain one line* of text as opposed to 4 lines*.
  • Signatures may NOT be a link to a video or audio file (SoundCloud, Youtube, etc). We are aware of you getting the word out, but please do NOT do that
  • Text and images in signatures are subject to the same conditions as posts with respect decency, abuse, warez, political messages, etc.
* The amount of text that can used on each of the MAXIMUM 4 lines is classified as the amount of text that will fit on one line when the Mix Challenge website is displayed at its default size at the normal font size (The size of the fonts in the main posts).

Signatures may not contain:
  • Advertising (i.e. NO graphical banners or text advertising commercial products, commercial websites, special offers, sales, group buys, etc. -- this includes referral and affiliate programs, offers to get a discount / special price on something, any mention of $XX or Save XX%, etc.), although you may have a link to your commercial products/website as long as the text/image is non advertorial, i.e. it should not contain text such as "latest offers", "buy our best plugins in the world", "Sale now on", etc.
  • Profanity or Religious, Political, inflammatory, racist, sexual, etc. content.
  • Audio or Video streams directly linked to with the [soundcloud], [youtube] or [media] BBcode
  • Signatures may NOT contain phpBB quote blocks because they take up too much space and are too easily confused with the actual post content.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in your user name, e-mail address, and/or IP address being banned from posting at mix-challenge.com

  • Avatars may NOT be animated
  • Avatars may NOT contain profanity or Religious, Political, inflammatory, racist, sexual, etc. content.


The forum forgets me - you appear to log in OK but your are returned to the main page and you are not logged in.
  • Delete ALL cookies from mix-challenge.com AND www.mix-challenge.com, then try again. You can do this automatically by clicking here
I've forgotten my password.
  • Have your password e-mailed to you automatically [click here]. If you receive a message that your account is inactive please check that you have first activated your account from the original e-mail that was sent to you when you registered (or get a new activation email here).
  • NOTE: Changing your e-mail address in your profile will deactivate your account, a new activation e-mail will be sent to your new e-mail address and you will have to click the activation link in this e-mail before you can log back into mix-challenge.com.
  • If ALL else fails contact the page staff - here
How do I post an image? How do I quote other posts? How do I post a link? etc. I'm fed up with seeing everyone else's stupid signatures, can I disable them? Can I jump to the first newest, unread post on a page?
  • Yes, click the New Post icon that looks like a small page

Watching Threads and Topics

phpBB offers the facility to watch topics / sub-forums and notify you when someone replies. If you wish to stop receiving reply notifications for a specific topic please click the Stop watching this topic link for that topic - this link appears at the bottom of each page in the thread (looks like a monkey wrench, this opens a drop down list). If you want to subscribe to a forum, open the sub-forum in question and at the bottom of it should be a link called "Subscribe Forum". Now you're watching/following the sub-forum / thread.

Remember, unchecking the Always notify me of replies box in your profile does not unwatch any topics / sub-forums you are already watching but it does stop the box from being ticked by default for all future posts you make.

You can see which topics and sub-forums you are watching (and stop watching all of them if you wish) in your User Control Panel.

Mix Challenge Community Forum Registration Terms

For reference, these are the terms that you have / had to agree with when registering with MIX CHALLENGE:
Mix Challenge Community Forum - Registration

By accessing the “Mix Challenge Community” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “Mix Challenge”, “http://www.mix-challenge.com/forum”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “Mix Challenge”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “Mix Challenge” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Group”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “General Public License” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from http://www.phpbb.com. The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions, the phpBB Group are not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: https://www.phpbb.com/.

You agree not to post any illegal, abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Mix Challenge” is hosted (Germany) or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “Mix Challenge” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not normally be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “Mix Challenge” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

Please also read the Extended Rules & FAQ for information regarding general forum conduct, signature limits, etc. HERE.

You MUST use a valid e-mail address when registering, as an activation e-mail will be sent to it, you will NOT be able to log in and use your account until it has been activated!

If you or your ISP uses any kind of SPAM protection/blocker/authorization system please make sure you white list / pre-authorise
staff@mix-challenge.com BEFORE you register or you may not receive the activation e-mail that is required to allow you to log in.