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MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by mixedbyadn »

long time mixer and first time here in Mix Challenge.

My mix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8n7lzpo36fqa ... N.wav?dl=0

The first thing was to organize and clean up the tracks to run them through the B and C buses of the template I'm using lately based on the Brauer system and it allows me to approach with less processing.

To the voice I have cut peaks, compressed in serie, excited and automated the opening in the most choral part, along with sending to a stereo delay and a reverb that I have also automated.

The drums and the bass were sent to the B bus, I boosted the lower frequencies of the kick and the bass and adjusted some frequencies. I cut from 50Hz down with a musical filter.

With the guitars I didn't want to pan them too hard but I played with the automation in some moments, plus I increased the brightness a little bit and controlled them with compression. I sent them to the C bus which compresses, eq, exciter and has a subtle phaser.

The final bus compresses with ssl glue, a varimu, saturates from mid high up, eq and widens the stereo image, a dynamic equalizer controls low and high frequencies.

I really enjoyed mixing this song.

Thank you

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by MiniTooth »

Hello everybody!

Back here for my third mix challenge, I really missed doing it!
This month's tune is just great, amazing clean sounds and voice yet so powerful!

I tried to go for a minimalistic approach here since I really like the original mood and sound of the production.

Guitars - I reamped the guitar through EZmix and panned them left and right to give the mix more stereo width, I wanted to keep them as clean as possible only keeping the natural drive the tracks have, boosted by a simple compression and a light phaser during the "solo" parts.

Bass - I wanted to give it a warm and round sound, trying to keep it subtle and in line with the kick

Drums - I played a lot with the kick, going back and forth between a traditional "clicky" metal sound and the bassier one I ended up keeping, while the rest of the drums is as sharp as possible.

Vocals - I did some light eq on the vocals, which in my opinion were really balanced and perfectly recorded, I mostly used Izotope Nectar to give it more depth and I added some echo and reverb in some of the parts for more pathos.

Here's my mix, have a great challenge everybody! :)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Ogs6k ... sp=sharing
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Green-Dog »

Hi everyone,

A fantastic song this month! I love this kind of music.

The main difficulties were caused by mixing the drums. After listening to the reference tracks, I decided to give the lead role to guitars (not considering the voice, of course). According to my idea, the drums and bass were supposed to occupy the centre and blend into one whole, laying the song's foundation. Unfortunately, the kick had to be cut out manually as I never managed to set up the gate. To create a psychedelic atmosphere towards the end of the track, I used a wonderful Echorec on the vocal.

If anyone has any questions about the mix, I will be happy to answer them.

jake sg

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by jake sg »

please click this link to listen :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v96aif ... sp=sharing

Guitars :
Newfangled Equivocate eq
Both guitars - Individual CLA Guitar Stereo Bus
Abbey Reverb Stereo (Reverb bus)

Newfangled EQuivocate eq
CLA Bass Stereo (Bass mix bus)

Newfangled Equivocate eq
CLA Vocal
Abbey Reverb Stereo (Reverb bus)


Kick :
Newfangled Equivocate eq
CLA Drum Stereo bus
To drum overall bus

Snare :
Fabfilter pro q 3
Newfangled Equivocate eq
CLA Drum Stereo Bus
To drum overall bus

Toms :
Newfangled Equivocate Eq
To drum overall bus

Overhead :
Fabfilter pro q 3
Newfangled Equivocate Eq
CLA Drum Stereo bus

Hihat :
Newfangled Equivocate eq
Fabfilter pro q 3

Room :
Fabfilter pro q 3
Newfangled Equivocate eq
Fabfilter pro q 3
To drum overall bus

Final stereo bus
L3 Multiband
Magneto II

Tq for giving us the opportunity to mix the song.

:D :D :D
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by VasDim »

Hi all,
this is my attempt to mix:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/dry8yajxd1c7h ... m.wav?dl=0

For all track are used:
- Waves Q10;
- Waves C4;
- Db ProComp.

AUX Effect;
- Waves TrueVerb;
- Waves SuperTap;

Good luck to all.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by elroms »

Hello everybody, here is my mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ebilya ... sp=sharing

After some EQ, compression and multiband limitation, I applied some room reverb on the kick, the snare, and the "drumkit" subgroup composed of the room and the two overhead tracks.
I also applied saturation on this subgroup to make the drums more crispy, and panned the overhead tracks 50L and 50R, but keeping the lows in mono.

I used CLA bass on the bass, giving it a bit of saturation, compression and additive EQ, among an EQ, 2 other compressors and a side chain compression from the kick.

On all guitars I used Nugen Stereoizer. The guitar 2 track was splitted in 4 different parts along the song according to the different effects (dry, wet, flanger, saturated).
The EQ and compression on each one are relatively identical, but some tracks needed less compression (or different EQ) than others. I also applied crunchy amp saturation on the "dry" and "wet" tracks, and reamped the two other ones with CLA Guitar.
I sent the guitar 1 to a room reverb, panned it 35L, and panned the guitar 2 tracks 35R.

I applied 5 compressors on the voice, saturation, multiband limiting and sent it to two reverbs, one long plate that is compressed in sidechain by the voice itself (so everytime the voice stops we can hear an echo but it doesn't get too loud the rest of the time), and a short plate.

I hope you enjoy it!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by doobop »

Hi !

From the first minute I started the rough mix I really enjoyed that one. Nice Recording.
I always do a rough mix first to understand the parts, and get the feeling of the song.

For the processing I only used simple stuff like Compressors, Gates, EQs and FX.
I didn’t do any sound-engineering secrets and methods.
Then I did some automations like muting some breaths of the Vocals and rise up/bring down the guitar reverb. Also a Master fade out at the end of the song.

Hope you like it!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ovl2ndjithg3s ... p.wav?dl=0

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by maxovrdrive »

Thank you Salvador (@salvadorcassis) for providing an interesting track this month. To be honest, I've never listened much less worked on a "math rock" song. I listened to the references and there wasn't a clear sonic signature for the genre. I just did my best to present the track in the best way possible.

Here's my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FN1Vn- ... sp=sharing

- tame edges to smoothen it without losing much attack
- thickened a touch after low-shelf to control low end
- compressed/ deesser/ eq

- Plini amp
- control harshness
- eq

- emissary amp
- control harshness
- eq

- not much done to the track
- compression/ eq
- a touch of lowender and BOD

- a bit of a struggle with snare and toms to sit right
- the rest of the kit didn't need much
- reverb on the snare
- some eq and compression

- compression
- saturation
- limiter (realimit)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by akshatryder »

Hello, Thanks to Mix Challenge community for this challenge and thanks to the composer for this awesome track.

Download Link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xiulIy ... sp=sharing
Alex Van mixland
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC081 October 2021 - Submissions until 21-10-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Alex Van mixland »

Here is my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DP2vah ... sp=sharing

Drums: I added highs to kick and snare.
bass: I added compression to get control to tone and add cut at 500hz.
Vocal - I cuted 4k and added compression. Also a little bit plate reverb
Guitars- I reamped this and added reverb.

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