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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Winners announced

Thematic Songwriting Competition - recurrence: monthly
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by FixInTheMix »

BenjiRage wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 14:21 CET

in the section from 2:53 to the end every second kick loses its impact, I'm not sure if this is intentional? Otherwise, top work.
You´re right! It was not intentional :face:
I had to bounce down some of the drum tracks to audio to reduce CPU usage and make some edits. It seems that Reaper's auto crossfade feature has affected the transients on the last few bars. I did something similar on purpose for the break section, but this time it was just a mistake on my part. Thank you for your kind words, and I appreciate you pointing that out."
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Koekepan »

Koekepan: I am not a Cyborg

Kudos to you for producing your track largely just with hardware, that's a great skill and a lost art these days. In places the drums are coming in a little bit behind the beat of the synths and the sidestick rhythm that starts around 3:40 feels a bit out of place. Musically it's quite simple but it's very effective with pleasing synth sounds that have been thoughtfully chosen. The mix is also pretty good to be fair, there are a few things like the harshness of the lead that starts at 5:00 that could do with a little polish but I've very impressed with what you've produced.
Thank you kindly!

I don't always use hardware, but it is my go-to. The need for a ducking sidechain was what kept me from a more sophisticated layout (I don't have a sidechain compressor at hand) so I virtualised it inside the Force. I ended up flubbing half a dozen takes before I got that one, so there it is. Real life pinned me against the deadline, so I didn't have time to do what I'd initially intended to do, which was full-on multitracking in my Portastudio, followed by fader-riding mixing and overdubbing. Oh, well.

You have a good ear for rhythm; I agonised about pushing back the drums against the timing but I ended up doing so for two reasons: the first was to create a little separation between various sounds hitting on time with each other, thereby reducing peaking and clarifying the soundscape, and second because while straight-ahead synthwave is metrically very pure, the darkwave end of it allowed for a slightly sloppier approach. The Social Entropy Engine enables me to put individual delays on sequenced drum hits, or the whole drum channel, so I did exactly that.

The music was also deliberately simple. If you listen to a lot of synthwave most of the complexity comes from either a phasing between arps, or unrealised chords. I stuck to that to be true to the genre, and let it ride.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by FixInTheMix »

I am thrilled to be participating again. This is one of my favorite genres of electronic music, and it goes hand in hand with sci-fi, which is my favorite genre of literature and film.

Usually, I tend to go for a heavier and more distorted sound, like artists such as Carpenter Brut. However, this time I decided to create something more funky.

I know that there are still many things for me to improve, but I am still happy with what I have created so far, and I hope to keep improving in the future.

Arelem - Glass Alloy
To be honest, the only issue that comes to my mind (if it can even be called an issue) is the choice of sounds. I have listened to the tracks that you referred to and I understand what you were trying to achieve. I think that what makes them fit the "Synthwave" category is simply the type of synthesis used. Anything that isn't subtractive or FM won't work, and it also relies on good old distortion.
That being said it´s still a great track on its own right.

APi_ZZ - WynthSaved
I'm still a bit confused about whether the track is made up of pre-made loops arranged together or if the samples used were individual drum hits and synth samples that were then used to create melodies and chords. While the sound is definitely there, I feel that the overall track consists of several sections that do not flow well into each other.

KukoBass - Bit By Bit
I would try changing the drum pattern to be half time, I think it could be more complementary to the pad changes, also maybe swapping the sounds to a sample based drum machine, TR 707, Lynn Drum, Oberheim DX, many to choose.

TrojakEW - Move Forward
The buildup in the track works very well. I love the filtered hard panned melodies. Additionally, the last section of the track is really interesting. I wish it lasted longer. Maybe it's just me, but I think it could work even better if you swapped it with the previous section at around 2:24 min so that the track ends a little bit more gradually. However, I'm not a fan of the violins, at least not for a melody.

becsei_gyorgy - Never Grow Up!
Nailing the synthwave dogma - if it works, don't fix it! You could experiment by changing the bass melody while keeping the chords the same. It's another synthwave cliche that never fails.

Doc Jon - Death By Degrees
The percussion in the track is incredibly detailed, which adds to its overall impact. The use of the rising chromatic synth is a great touch as it creates a sense of urgency throughout the song. I was surprised to learn that AI was used for the vocals, but I suppose it's going to become more prevalent in the near future.

EsteveCorbera - HomenatgeAlsVideoJocs
I always appreciate a concept album, or in this case, a single track. It's interesting to note how video game soundtracks used to have a distinct "sound" determined by their respective sound chips and the limitations imposed by them.
This track is fun, energetic, and tells a great story."

Chasey24 - Getting_Chippy
The repetition of the phrases in this track is pretty unusual, and it took me some time to get what was happening. But, I gotta say, I find it pretty cool and enjoyable.
Plus, I've noticed that the general vibe of the music is upbeat and happy-sounding, which is not usually the norm for the synthwave genre that typically uses minor keys.

StoryGirlOz - Thank You to the Warriors
First of all, welcome and kudos for providing vocals.
Your use of syncopation and dissonance is very interesting overall.
I feel that the 909 drums, although iconic, are too strongly associated with 90s French house and its relatives. Therefore, it may be more suitable to switch to the 707 for a better fit with the genre. Additionally, using the vocals as a carrier for a vocoder could also work well.
Lastly, I noticed that the higher frequencies are filtered out. Is that intentional? I am just curious, as artists like Home use this technique, but it creates a very specific sound."

VCA-089 - Inevitable Progress
Wow, what an intro!
I have to say hats off to you for using Dexed in such an extensive way, I often struggle to get decent sounds out of it, besides the presets. I specially like the Bass sound. Also a good call to mix different drum machine samples, I thought about doing that myself but didn´t want to overcomplicate things. Great job!

BenjiRage - Corneria Capcom
You could´ve told me Mitch Murder released this and I would believe you, impressive track!
The use of FX, the sound choice, everything is spot on.
The live hihats and cymbals fit great also.
Honestly I´m very impressed you should make an album.

Koekepan - I am not a Cyborg
The ducking effect is too strong, in my opinion. I suggest using it only for ducking the bass or reducing the overall effect significantly.
Also, I'm not sure if this track even needs drums at such a low tempo. You could do with just percussion here and there.
Either way, since the main idea is to create a soundscape, more automation should be present to warp and change the timbre and texture.
I would listen to the Blade Runner OST for inspiration.

My top 5 picks
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by becsei_gyorgy »

Hi all,
I had to do a lot of research on how to create an authentic retro/synthwave style song.
I listened to songs, watched tutorial videos, tried to play with the software synthesizers available to me, which reproduce the sound of the era.
This exploration and learning phase was perhaps the most interesting part of this month. That's why I like it when a specific style is the task in this competition. You can discover a lot of new things through it.
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There were a lot of songs this month and unfortunately only five can be selected. It was a difficult decision because many more songs would have deserved points.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Koekepan »

For me the hardest musical part was capturing, not the original sound that I remember, but how it is represented retrospectively. This is a different challenge, and one that has its own subtleties.
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Tough crowd to judge. The tiebreakers were personal taste.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Chasey24 »

Greetings, music producers!

This is my first time entering this challenge. This was also my first venture composing in this genre. I'm fairly new to producing, although I've been a pianist for many years. I've only now just gotten somewhat comfortable navigating in my DAW(Cubase). I think my research into the synthwave genre was lacking, as I realized after listening to your creations, that my track is more along the lines of synthpop. Although, I guess it's still technically within the guidelines. It appears there's a totally different mixing process for this genre. This challenge has made clear that I have much to learn in the art of mixing. Hopefully, with feedback, repetition, and research, this will improve over time. As I stated in my original post, I really had a lot of fun(and isn't that the main point?).
I didn't have any expectations prior to entering this challenge, but you all have really impressed me with your talent and creativity. :clap: I didn't realize that this part of the challenge(giving feedback) would be so difficult. I believe music is so subjective. One person's favorite production may be on the bottom of another's list. But I will give it a whirl.

Feedback Section

Arelem: Glass Alloy
I liked the sound choices, and the solidness of the kick drum. The rests after some of the beats were dramatic. I think rests can create great tension/anticipation when used properly, and you did that well. The hook was good, but you could have used slightly more variation in my opinion. Excellent mix.

APi_ZZ: Wynth Saved
It's still incredible to me that you can produce music using loops that sound as good as your track. To my ears, you nailed the mix. Very enjoyable to listen to. The only thing is your "Axel F" riff is almost too close to the original.

KukoBass: Bit By Bit
Loved the intro synth sound and panning. The drums are slightly subdued in the mix. The track has an almost "country" feel with the bassline and rhythm-very creative.

TrojakEW: Move Forward
Very smooth intro. The sounds are very carefully chosen and sculpted. The brass solo is well written and expressive; starting at 1:30. The mix sounds good to my ears. Solid track.

becsei_gyorgy: Never Grow Up!
This track grows on me the more I listen to it. It is very 80's with a modern flair.The bass line is well constructed and plays a prominent role. You nailed the toms. The only thing I can find to critique is there is a lot of delay, which tends to confuse the listener, although not unpleasant.

Doc John: Death By Degrees
Very good production overall. Obviously, there was a great deal of time spent on this project. I always like music that cannot be easily categorized. You have elements of synthwave, hip-hop, pop, EDM, etc. Maybe the kick and snare could use a slight boost in the mix. Very creative on multiple levels.

EsteveCorbera: Homenatge Als Video Jocs
I liked the video game concept of your production. To me, it sounds like "Chiptune" for the most part. I didn't hear too many dynamic changes in the main parts. I think some of the transitions could have been smoothed out. Probably due to the nature of chiptune music, it just seemed like a thin mix.

StoryGirlOz: Thank You To The Warriors
Very well put together song. I think the higher freqencies could use a boost. Synth riff intro is really strong. Interesting polyrhythm at 0:55-1:05, and again at 2:15ish. Good vocal hook in the chorus.

FixInTheMix: Virus
Excellent lo-fi intro. I found your sound choices pleasing to the ears. The "slap bass" lead was very well written at 1:35. Great guitar-synth solo at 2:36. The mix was even and appropriate. Overall excellent track.

VCA-089: Inevitable Progress
This track definitely has the 80's feel going on. Interesting variation at 2:37-3:30. Good use of reverb throughout. I think it could have used more of the A theme. Also more of the theme at 2:04-2:37. To me, those sections really shine.

BenjiRage: Corneria Capcom
Very infectious hook. I kept expecting Patty Smyth or Cyndi Lauper to belt out some vocals. Very well produced. The timing of the risers was spot-on. The phrasing was excellent, like the way most every phrase was answered back to musically. Other than the robot voices, I really enjoyed listening to this one.

Koekepan: I am not a Cyborg
I like the lead sound. The drums were set back in the mix a little bit. Interesting rhythm. Haunting melody. Kind of gave me a feeling of dread. Unorthodox, but effective.

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by KukoBass »

Hello everybody,

this month, I really had fun with the task. In hindsight, I should have picked a different lead synth. This one was supposed to bring a chip tune vibe to the song, but this doesn't really fit the atmosphere of the chord sounds.

I also got a lot of valuable feedback for the drums, and as soon as I get to work on the song again, I will try out your suggestions.

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Top 5 this month:
There were a lot of good and deserving songs this month, but we only get to choose five, and this is subject to personal taste. If you're not listed here, it doesn't diminish your accomplishments.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by TrojakEW »

What I learned in this round that rushing something because of lack of time is not good idea. When you are trying to finish the whole mix and polish the track in one session it have some consequences. You ears are tired and you are not able anymore decide if the change you made is improved the sound it make it worst. Synthwave was interesting challenge. After some listening I found there are a lot of different ways and approaches to this and that there is no real limitation what you can do here. For me track was inspired by some older movies that incorporate acoustic elements to the composition but I wish I added even more to it and build the whole track around it.

In regards of my comment, some may sound bit harsh but I'm not trying to "invalidate" someone's work. I just tend to say what I really think about everything. For me it is not good approach to "smear honey around the mouth" to avoid criticism. This is politician way of augmenting that I hate. So I don not wanted to dishonor or offend anyone.

APi_ZZ - "WynthSaved"
As I already said it is definitely synthvawe but ... I'm not going to comment anything about the track because one simple reason. This is not your music. This is just bunch of loops mixed together. This round this track is on at last, bottom position for me. I would like to hear your music.

Arelem - "Glass Alloy"
This is better then first version but still the overall feel of the track is different like retro music. This have more modern feel that feel almost like trap beat with some synth elements. The synth at 2:00 is most synthwave element in the track. This lead sound choice is good but melody is bit random. What I mean no emotion and character without emotion. Since you choose more aggressive style this lead should follow the mood but it not. It feels more like you are forced to add it in order to bring some synhwave to the track. Also your mixing and mastering go with modern over compressed mix that is definitely the way how modern trap is sounding these days.

becsei_gyorgy - "WeWillNeverGrowUp"
For sure this is synthwave track. Even classical ducking of bass is here but I think it is not used as it should. During listening of this style and some tracks in order to get some information and clues about the style I found that they use different technique. The bass is not ducking but not playing when kick is present. While in you track it is there but it sound like interfere with kick instead of ducking. Piano part starting at 0:25 is fighting with that synth stabs and with that bass. Hard to pick the rhythm vs melody part for my ears. Mid part is better it this regards and also more interesting with this additional lead starting at 1:00. There is interesting break after this part that is quite nicely timed. Last section is bit too much. It is sounds like everything you used is playing at the same time here. Instead of adding more power it ads more clutter and chaos. Mix is not bad but I think too bright. I was thinking that I have overdo brightness in my track but now I hear your track is airy even more.

BenjiRage - "Corneria_Capcom"
Just right after track starts main theme is presented. This nicely define the mood and character of track. There is nice transition to the main part when the theme kind of extend. Nice break at 2:10 but that synth voice is strange here and for me it does not fit. Maybe if the speed and rhythm fit the rhythm of the tracks it will be better. I can clearly hear you have some experience if this music style so you have some advantage there. Nice track that for sure fit the style.

Chasey24_aka_Jerry_Payne - "Getting_Chippy"
This sparkling intro is interesting but then the first part with beat and bass only is "boring". The transition with drum fill is nice and after it begging to be more interesting. I think that this part between 0:12 to 0:25 feels almost like filler. Very uninteresting part that you should rather remove and start just with the part after. Lead introduced later is not lead because it is almost inaudible but after a while I think I know the reason. It is ound like just random note played within the scale. It is something what can be heard from some melody generators out there. No structure and theme in the lead whole time. It is the longest passage lead I heard about 1:30 but there is nothing to hear for me. Uninteresting. This change in the part at 2:20 is more interesting but then you suddenly switch back to that no-lead. I think you transition between parts are best of the track and those are better then track itself. In regards of mix and balance, instruments are glued too much together and they interfere with each other. Track have some potential but it sound more like not finished basic idea.

DocJon - "DeathByDegrees"
Track is nice. Vocals can for sure change the feel of the track and improve the mood, character. So yes I like the vocals but much less the lyrics. What I mean the is the we are often speak about things we do not understand. We read some article somewhere and we think it is enough to understand the issue. Climate change is one of those. There is more behind this problem that is presented outside so if somebody does have very limited information, should rather choose different topic. Last part of the track is interesting where you tried musically present you feeling and ignorance and how the whole things getting worse and worse. So as build up and at the beginning with middle part as story telling up to climax is nice idea. But again I would rather have different topic there instead.

EsteveCorbera - "HomenatgeAlsVideoJocs"
This is weird but at the same time interesting composition. I kind of like the approach of the composition. Even it is simple it is trying to entertain the listener. Diving it to more pare with more break is nice idea. Theme is memorable and choice of instruments is good. Additional sound effects and voice over form the rest of the track and are supporting the mood. So I have to say it is different then most productions these days and I somehow enjoyed it. Now the sound and mix support the idea since it sound almost like 8bit tune but I would like to heat bit more separation in instruments. For me everything is placed almost in the same position on stage. But this is only my personal preference. I am pleasantly surprised by this track. Simple but interesting.

FixInTheMix - "Virus"
Intro with band pass filter movement is nice. Like simplicity of the theme. Instruments are nicely selected and the whole track have kind of demoscene score. You got me with bass at 1:34 and also guitar at the end. I do really like the track. Nice break, compositions and the last part with that solo is awesome. Mix sounds good and there is no question about the music style for this round. If I only can point you that looks like the riser in intro is having some mono compatibility. It is clearly visible since it is riser and the more volume it have more negative values determine phase differences between the left and right channels. Really good work overall and I do like the track very much in every aspect. Awesome.

KukoBass - "Bit_by_Bit_v7"
Just right after start the track especially with the pad there have kind of Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene mood. At least I think his tracks were your inspiration. While idea behind is nice there are issue for me there. First the drumkit choice it simply do not fit for me there. It is more like default mid gm drumkit without character. Next is that synth pluck that is trying to take the lead does not take the lead. The sound itself and the fact that is trying to define theme and melody is weak. It think this should by used only as support or contra melody in some part while using some different lead instrument with more human touch automation of filter and pitch bend. Idea is nice but choice of sounds broke the idea. Vocoder voice is nice addition. Mix in regards balance is not bad but the stage is narrow and everting is positioned in the same place. The old tunes even in different style used a lot simple LCR panning to create bigger stage. In your track everything is in center.

StoryGirlOz - "ThankYouToTheWarriors"
Interesting beat. Just right after start I can hear you tried to create depth with instruments placing on stage. Interesting progression. Now that synth voice is, well simply bad. It is lead instruments in the tracks since all other sounds are more like rhythm part of the track so it should be more dynamic with a lot of nuances and not like it sounds here. It is very monotone sounding "robotic" and lifeless voice. While voice is most creative instrument in the world with a lot of character you were able to manage doing the opposite and to create the most uncreative and uninspiring instrument. Mix lack some power. I mean some low frequencies are missing so it have overall boxed feeling.

VCA-089 - "InevitableProgress"
Considering that you used Dexed for the track, nice. It is not very user friendly synth to use. I did some track using it and while it is really powerful I hate the workflow. So bonus point for that for sure. Great intro. Track have nice vibe that definitely fit the style. I miss one most common element and it is repeating element that kind of define this style, Yes you have some simple arpeggio with that synth pluck but it is more like background element. What I miss the main melody that will be used as chorus. Now it sound more like kind of background music and the main theme is mean to be create by other visual like video, perhaps. Still track is nice and sounding good.

JanKoekepan - "I_am_not_a_Cyborg"
I'm not a fan of fade in style in music. I like to have interesting build up with instrumentation instead fade approach. Mood in track in calming and the same time disturbing that create kind of interesting feel that fit the track name. Pad ducking behind kick is too much and I usually hear ducking with bass and not pad that occupied different frequency spectrum so I not sure why you did that. That lead with portamento is interesting but movement from left to right not so. Also it is kind of buried in the mix. This plucky arp starting 1:28 is cool and got my attention. Even it sounds more like ambient track there is no much changes there. It should contain more breaks and changes. For almost 7 minutes long track it need to have such changes because it is getting more repetitive. The most problematic is mix here. The pumping effect ruins the natural dynamics. Sound feels weak and boxed and there are some phasing issues during whole track. I like that simple plucky arp and building track more around this sequence can be interesting but you use it more like background element and that a pit because this simple part really get me interested.

Now the most hated part for me - voting.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by APi_ZZ »

What did I learn?
As with the previous competitions, I realise that my will is too low to dive deep into original composing and creating chords, melodies and sounds from scratch. As this entry of mine shows, I have fun editing and combining loops, usually not shying from adding extra melody or FX. But I even didn't do that here. Uh. :confused:

I admire the efforts others invest in their creations ... :smile:

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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC079 March 2024 - Voting until 01-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
We're in the final 24 hours to submit your feedback and cast your vote.

Please check post #038 regarding the feedback and voting mechanic. Giving feedback is mandatory (the only criteria to become disqualified). Please don't let yourself be put at a disadvantage by not participating (fully). The Songwriting Competition lives from the given feedback towards each other. Don't just "collect" and then move on - this is unfair to all other participants.

Outside feedback is welcome, of course.
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