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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by 3ee »

OK, I double-checked downloads but in case I missed someone's mix, please let me know..
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kevin gobin

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by kevin gobin »

Bon appétit! @3ee

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by MOA22 »

Wow ! 24 mixes ! Just more SWC06 contestants are needed. Only 24 hours until the dead line ! Only 2 song for the moment.
I am not in, i will probably post something b.c it is not funny for the hard working friends...
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Submissions until 21-02-2018 GMT+1/CET


Post by Mork »

JonasLasse wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2018 08:49 CET
Great mix nevertheless, Mark.
OctopusOnFire wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2018 17:01 CET
Sorry to hear that Mork, but it seems the chances to win have gone up a 500% now for the rest of us. :D
Great job as usual, very interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing it regardless!
Dwic wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2018 22:54 CET
Yep, nice mix Monk ;)

I don't know exactly how to feel with regards to what consists to be "re-arranging". I ended up doing quite a bit to my bass and drums, but only using plugins and automation. In fact, one of the ones I used - Automaton by Audio Damage - is not predetermined. So I printed about a dozen mixes and picked my favourite. Normally I would have spliced my favourites together but I wanted to avoid "re-arranging". I also had at one time a version with a 30 second or so ending that consisted of super chorused and delayed reverb tails massively crushed past the noise floor. But it felt a little too indulgent.
Thank you guys!
Very interesting and completely different outcomes on this one. Funny how many of us delayed the drums. I've had an H-Delay with slight modulation on the snare and already felt pretty exotic with that. :lol:

@Dwic: I know what you mean. I think as long as it's just helping the timing it's ok, but really altering the groove and of course arrangement is forbidden. Something like I did would considered to be re-arranging (moving an extra chorus to the end) but not comping the takes of your plugin. But then again I am being punished for rule violation, so what do I know? :grin:
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@Octopus: I really enjoyed your MC, do you have some more metal-ish stuff coming?
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by 3ee »

short-list getting more defined! :D

very hard to choose at some point... where's the line between technical merit and subjective opinion? ... as much as I appreciate a good "technically" accurate mix, sometimes, it lacks "soul" .. or vice-versa.. some of the 'messiest' mixes have something very interesting about them.

anyway, hope to have a list for round2 sooner than later! :phones:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Mister Fox »

Thanks for the update
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by 3ee »

finally, I have a list for round2!

Sorry for those who didn't made it, there are many interesting mixes but I had to somehow figure out the ones with the technical merit as well as what I subjectively liked and thought their mixing decisions were suited for the song.

in no particular order:


pro: really liked the overall tone and ambiance, (I think it captures the song well), also the delay effects and tasteful automation... great synth sound on the arp at the ending there!

minus: some longer reverbs on transition sounds (like on clap and tamb) are way too bright... and possibly a bit too stereo? , they seem a bit distracting, also the main chorus synth (IIRC, "CH 80s Keys" is the name) needs a bit more of a "stereo halo" , maybe a low-level down an octave filtered double also helps? Bass can get a bit too subby? ... check freqs below 60Hz


pro: like the crispy overall sound, clean yet stylish mix, opened and airy. Really like the "digi-glow-fuzz" on the pad also, you seem to have treated the main chorus synth as a synth GTR, a pleasant surprise, it works very well! :)

minus: overall sound can be too dominated by hats/highs, especially, the 1/8 hats that come in the chorus are too upfront (and also a tiny bit too transient rich). The "S&H Pad" is too dry, try a fairly mid-slow modulation effect on it, maybe a nice reverb send also and put it a bit more into the background as it seems a bit too upfront. Kick might be a bit too "well defined" = sacrifice a bit of mid-high punch for a better blend with the rest of the kit. Clap-hit before chorus, don't hear it at all...


pro: Also like the "digi-breeze" on the pad, cool overall "walk-in-freezer" vibe going :D

minus: the S&H pad has this modulation or parallel mix channels that sound a bit too detuned, maybe darken the drums a bit? Overall sound or more the main chorus synth I guess, is giving the impression of honky_ness, ... take a look at about 527Hz and 1k ? Chorus 1/8 tamb loop is a bit too upfront.


pro: great, solid mix

minus: a bit too solid and "pop" for this song I believe... want more color/character/distance and less "pop" / polish / shine / ERs
snare delay(s) may be a bit too upfront try filtering them more if you wish to keep the created rhythm (which is nice) . I like that the snare gets progressively dryer in the outro part... but it might get too dry though... maybe a filtered and low-level mono plate/spring will fill the gap where the reverb is bone-dry. The "Pre CH EP" needs a different more in the background position with longer reverb (subjective opinion, I know) The verses has this pad with an applied LFO-type modulation, please make that a bit less noticeable.

Your mix is great, no doubt about that, but IMO it's not really for this song.. :)



pro: cool overall mix

minus: crashes are way too loud: Main synth reverb cloud needs taming in the mids (take a look around 1k), kick feels a bit too muddy... or try a phase invert, overall mix may be to dark... watch those hats when brightening everything, a dynamic-eq or similar may help. A tiny bit of automation can liven up the arrangement, I notice that only the outro was touched in that respect..

[moderate="Mister Fox, 04-MAR-2018"]Copied over from late announcement - see here:
http://mix-challenge.com/forum/viewtopi ... 1912#p1912[/moderate]


pro: cool smooth pads, good sounding mix in general

minus: some elements seem too disconnected from others like the drums... completely different world from the rest of the elements. I understand contrast, but here it's too much. You started your mix with drums didn't you? ... and got the heavy sound shaping using the solo button more often than not? ;) ..and didn't re-visit drums at the end of the mix.

on top of the feedback, here's what you can further try:

-try to get drums sounding more blended in with the smooth ambiance you've created (kick too full, heavy hip-hop character, maybe roll-off some lows? , snare too "crisp" and modern sounding, also try a different longer reverb (you can keep'n'add or replace the current one) ... hats, might be a good idea to slam them heavily against tape or try down-pitch shifting or something to shift and/or tame their energy from around 9.5k)
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by 3ee »

would have also pick Mork's mix for the 2nd round.... but I understand he's in the corner for a bit :hihi:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 2 until 07-03-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

Thank you for handling the evaluation, 3ee.

Let us kick off Mix Round 2, which will end on Wednesday, 07-MAR-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET

There is a GLOBAL COUNTDOWN available to check for deadlines.
Just follow this link: Global Countdown (on homepage)

The following 6 participants go into Round 2 (alphabetical order)

Coiled Ear
Dodging Rain
Henrik Hjornaes
satyatunes (late addition - see here)

A thank you to everyone, and good luck for Round 2

Re: Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC40 February 2018 - Mix Round 2 until 07-03-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Tbase2000 »

Are we just doing 5 this month or did I miss something...
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