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MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by TanglewildStudio »

I think we are still waiting to hear from the client

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Jerze »

Just checking in.

Here is some info Mr.Fox posted on the 22nd if it helps.

Mister Fox wrote:
Sat Jun 22, 2019 04:43 CEST
It is the 22nd June 2019, 04:30am GMT+2/CEST - the first Mix Round has officially ended

Once more, a very warm welcome to all new participants, so many new faces this month yet again. Additionally, a huge thank you to everyone that is spreading the word about the Mix Challenge. Please keep doing so, we need way more participants for the Songwriting Competition(s) (I wish there were as many as for the mixing games), and more audio content to continue the games past Summer 2019.

  • If I didn't miscount, we have 77 submissions (79 minus 2 entries, see disqualifications) this month. That is 6 submissions more than last month and 44 entries more compared to last year
  • We have 0 users that redacted his entry
  • We have 0 submission after the deadline
  • We had 0 submissions through SoundCloud only
  • We had 1 submissions that can not be downloaded (natalie - your entry is set to "private")
  • I had to address the Rules and Guidelines a couple of time(s)
  • I have to address 2 disqualifications due to sample usage (philk - what was there to recreate?, martinantonsson - see official Rules & Guidelines and Rules & Guidelines)
If you can clear up the confusion regarding drum sample use, the statistics change. But I've talked about this ad nauseum. Other than that, thanks to EatMe for confirming the entry amount.

Please check all if your links again, make them downloadable(!, IMPORTANT: updated rules on SoundCloud links). Those that uploaded MP3s only, please take note: providing a WAV file is mandatory. Please also update your posts with documentation for others to learn from (see Rules & Guidelines).

I now open the field for everyone to give each other feedback (highly encouraged). This will be independent to the client feedback however.

Please watch this spot for the client feedback and Mix Round 2 participant announcement.

Good luck to all participants.

:arrow: The Songwriting Competition 22 (SWC22) is still in full swing.
The deadline is 24th June 2019, 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST - so far there have been 4 entries (if I didn't miscount) - I hope we can exceed 15 participants.

Please spread the word!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Mister Fox »

I have to step in and clear some things up.

Even though everything is clearly written out in minute detail in the Rules and Guidelines and also in each 2nd post of the corresponding thread, people still seem to misinterpret a lot.

So let's boil this down to the essentials
  • EatMe is not the client of MC055, the client is fajebru
  • giving feedback after (post) "Mix Round 1" is encouraged, EatMe was offering role model behavior and went a bit overboard/very detailed, which in turn gave the impression that he is the song provider. I did make clear however, that this is not the case. I will now go back and edit all posts with a red information box
  • technically, EatMe is disqualified now because he lost his source material and initial mix, then provided a new mix after the deadline and even a master, completely going against the rules, against me as host. I also don't know what "special deal" he has with fajebru. But rules will be upheld (disqualification)
  • the actual process of the Mix Challenge is (and this hasn't changed since Mix Challenge 05/2014):
    • Mix Round 1 => 21 days for submissions, ideally no feedback to not influence participants
    • Mix Round 1 Evaluation Period => ideally(!!!) within 14 days after the initial submission period has ended. But considering that we have 60+ entries at this point, this takes some time. I will advice future participants to "hurry up" though. During this time, participants can give each other feedback. Song Provider declares (ideally) up to 10 participants that go into Mix Round 2
    • Mix Round 2 => the 10 selected participants have 5 days to overhaul their mix and submit their edit - I often round up the timer (can't be here 24/7)
    • Mix Round 2 Evaluation period => ideally(!!!) happening within 7 days after the Mix Round 2 submissions came in, feedback can be given to everyone
    • Winner Announcement => after the Mix Round 2 entries have been evaluated, 3 winners will be announcd

Please get acquainted with the rules!

If you've participated for more than one game, then you should really refresh your memory. Please also try to not speak for me, the song provider (or pose as the same), and spread misinformation as this only adds to the confusion. Especially for new participants.


I hope I made myself clear now.

:arrow: Regarding Feedback from the Song Provider:

I'm in touch with fajebru. Just like the last couple of times he provided material, he's a shy person. I was informed that he's half done with the feedback and entries. He will get back to us shortly.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by fajebru »

Hi there,

As always, excuse me for my bad english. It doesn't get better when I try to describe some things:)

For all contestants: If you want to use any of my so far provided material from the Zitrone EP by Rahel or your portfolios, you have my permission. But refer to the original mix and maybe that you mix is made in context with this challenge.

For all contestants of the next round: as in the past few weeks, I will be very busy for another few weeks, so I want to make contacting me easier for you. If you have any questions, send me a mail to my private mail address. I will than respond as fast as possible, since I can answer quick and mobile.
[moderate="Mister Fox"]Edited this post to hide the mail address via the Sponsor Tag, so that web-crawlers (hopefully) not pick up this address to bomb you with spam. This is an exception! To everyone - please do not post email addresses in public or in your signature. If I see that, I'll remove this entry, in worse case even your signature feature.[/moderate]

For the feedback etc. I used the name in your files, since they don't always match the usernames in this forum.


There is something about the transient of the snare that I’m not sure of. It sounds less like natural attack and more like brutal force. As you said „…it was unusually hard to get them to work as a unit.“. Yes, I know what you mean. That’s why I never really loved that song. But you really achieved a pretty musical mix, I think. As sad, the snare’s attack is a little weird and that makes the snare stick out in a way I’m not sure about. Maybe add more dirt and less transient to the snare or so to make it fit better. Other than that, the toms low end are pushing the mix away at some points, maybe tame that a little bit.

Try to find another reverb for the guitar. the spring reverb you have now is more irritating than that it would add anything to the song. I’m not into the clipping like sound of the toms when hit hard as for example in the middle of the first chorus. Maybe you could find a different style of saturation or get rid of it?

The overall frequency balance of your mix sounds kind of centered around 1k or so. That makes the mix sound compact and kinda more „punk“, but at the moment it is a little overwhelming. In addition there is a lot sub low’s going on in the bass and the kinda clashes for me with the rest of the mix. maybe you could reduce both a touch , balance it and get it to groove a little more and feel less heavy.

As the backing vocals stack, they build up a bit at certain points and push the lead vocals and the guitars a little further back in the mix. Try to find a way of recuding this and get the backing vocals to sit a little smoother in the mix. The tom hits sometimes sound very thin and aggressive with a lot of snappy transients in it. Try to make them sit better as well and get them smoother. I am really into this boomy middy kick sound you got there. somehow it has no highs or attack at all, but manages it’s way through the mix way better than I thought, even when I cut the lows and only listen to the high-mid to high frequencies. But maybe get it a touch more present without ruining this character kick sound you have. But so that you don’t have to search for the kick, but hear it a little but more present. At some points when the crash cymbals are hit, they are a little loud and kinda harsh somewhere in the higher mid - high area. Get that fixed as well. Make the chorus guitars 3dB quieter or so, the are a bit too loud.

The kick is a little too sub heavy and sounds more like a PA kick than a record kick. The verse guitars hit the compressor a touch to hard at some points and you kinda get a pretty snappy transient that isn’t very smooth. That also feeds your fx and produces an unnatural sound. I really like the weird fx on the snare in the second verse, but I don’t dig the vocal effect as much. Maybe try something slightly different, but watch out that the snare fx doesn’t sound too weird if the vocals should have no fx at all. Right now they kinda introduce that there could happen more, if they don’t, the snare fx might be a bad choice suddenly.

So this mix in my opinion has to be part of round 2, so I just went for it, but I gotta say, I can’t tell if I’m maybe hearing some samples on the drums…? I kinda feel like I read your name in past mix challenges so I think your familiar with the rules, but if you did, please be honest.
On to the feedback: I love this warm, dry, but punchy drums. I kinda think more extreme would even be better. right now you, the drum sound in the intro is very dry, but you still hear a little room. I think it would be awesome no get it a little more unnatural in that part. of course in the later parts of the song, a little room isn’t bad for the drums as they stil have to fit the mix, but try to find a way to keep their intro character more as in the drum solo, I feel like they lost their magic. Do you know what I mean? That could be really awesome but you gotta find a thin path to walk on hear.
Other than that. Please do some EQ moves to reduce the presence of the guitar delay.

I like the mix, but I don’t like your fx use. These very long and present reverbs kinda take the groove out of the mix. The chorus sounds gut even if I’m not sure here bout the fx being that loud in the full band tops. I actually think, you gotta do a 180 degree turn here regarding the fx you used. Just kill all fx returns you have and start over.
And fade all fx out in the end, whatever you are going to use. This version now just has a weird reverb tail at the end.

The kick sound is basically alright, but there is a touch of some low end going on that maybe wouldn’t have been a problem to me if the song hadn’t solo drum parts. It feels like some compression that leads to the kicks lows/low mids to be a little too present beyond the initial attack and thumb. As if these lows kinda fart a little too long. I find it difficult to explain, but try to make the low sustain less on the kick basically.
Your mix has kind of a dry touch too it that I like, but the drums have a little too much and too long reverb on for the balance of how the rest of the mix feels to me.
In the drum solo there is some weird gate action happening that is a little distracting. maybe turn the gate of for this bit or try to find another way of making in more natural there. Kill the delay tail at the end of the song

The reverb on the drums sound too unnatural for me. Maybe a different reverb, maybe quieter, maybe EQ, maybe maybe, but something different. I think the guitars can be a little less sharp. Also try to find another approach fo the backing vocals. Right now they are very present and far back in the mix at the same time. Cut the delay that bleeds into the drum solo.

Kill/Change the very long reverb on the drums. It doesn’t add much to the sound right now other than pushing the drums in a room they are not comfortable in. Maybe try going for shorter reverbs in general here. Cut some mids on the snare. Get the lead vocals a bit less muffy and a little bit more present in the mix. In the drum solo suddenly appear harsh frequencies in the snare I didn’t notice before in the song. Try to get that a little rounder.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 2 until 19-07-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

Thank you for handling the evaluation, fajebru - even if it took us a while.

Let us kick off Mix Round 2, which will end on Friday, 19-JUL-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

There is a GLOBAL COUNTDOWN available to check for deadlines.
Just follow this link: Global Countdown (on homepage)

The following 10 participants go into Round 2 (alphabetical order)


The feedback to the productions can be found here:

If you area unsure what to do exactly, reach out to the song provider and engage in a conversation here on the forum.

WARNING: For the submissions - if your name for the submission is different form your username on the forum, make that clear in some shape or form. We have rules, please stick to them!

A thank you to everyone, and good luck for Round 2
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 2 until 19-07-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Armenelli »

First, thanks to all who make this possible. This is a great concept and executed really well.

I'm Armenelli and Paul Armbruster. Out of curiosity, what is the proper way to name files? The rules say "ContestantName", so I used my real name. Should it be username? Thanks for the opportunity!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 2 until 19-07-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

Please use both for the time being.

I'll try to figure out something for the future. Also regarding usernames

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 2 until 19-07-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by JulienMeirone »


Here my mix for the round 2 :

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fm39eaipq5yg8 ... 2.wav?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0x4mqeyy8uan ... 2.mp3?dl=0

I used the same plugins than in round 1, just tweaked them and add a transient designer on the kick.
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 2 until 19-07-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by White Punk OD »

congrats and good luck to the ten who got awarded the ticket!
all deserved, but personally and style-wise, my choice would include ~5 of them plus 5 others who sound quite different.
but I learn a lot. wonderful opportunity. :phones: up for Rahel and fajebru and their musicians.

so this seems about a fresh, powerful, and tight sound. more energetic than the typical genre.
more like a dedicated band than artist + producer.

still I'd like to ask how fajebru does not mind the 40Hz hum at all, while very strict on kick subsonics (very important for style and freshness; there I did not do well).
I never liked any hum or hiss in the analog era already, where it was a pest. but we (my bands..) could not afford better devices. :help:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC055 June 2019 - Mix Round 2 until 19-07-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mange »

JulienMeirone wrote:
Mon Jul 15, 2019 16:41 CEST

Here my mix for the round 2 :

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fm39eaipq5yg8 ... 2.wav?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0x4mqeyy8uan ... 2.mp3?dl=0

I used the same plugins than in round 1, just tweaked them and add a transient designer on the kick.
Hey Julien. would you mind reupload your first mix once again. Would like to listen to it again.
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