2024-SEP-01 Info: Every September, the Mix Challenge audio community brings awareness to the topic mental health. Please have a look at Songwriting Competition 085.

MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 until until 14-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by rvalle »

Very gratifying to have made it to round 2 in this hotly contested edition. :hyper:

Following @Los_ady orientations, these were the changes I made:

Round 2 MIX: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12nbKJr ... sp=sharing

- In Desert Roses, I created some automations for a more adequate fitting of the beat with the moments of the song. Taking advantage of the Sonible Entropy that was already in the channel, I automated the low shelf to control the kick on the verses, tamed the groove a bit. In the first mix, I thought I could have taken out the kick at two moments before the choruses, but I chose not to because I didn't want to fade out the toms that occur there. But in this new mix, I found a clever way to do it. :gotidea: Since the kick only occupies the Mid part of the stem and the toms are mostly situated on the R (side) channel, I used a plugin that processes the mid/side, the free MSControl from Tek'it Audio, automating the volume of the Mid part to practically eliminate the kick at those moments, without losing much of the toms;
- Vocals: In the first version, I had made a cut with an EQ on Fiona's voice, around 3 to 4 khz, which caused the lack of presence that Ady cited in my feedback. So I removed that movement. I gave a little more gain to the voice. I worked a little more on the send automations for the delays at certain moments. I also included some parallel compression with the excellent Comprexxor from IK Multimedia. For Lala's voice, I only added a little more gain.
- I softened the beginning of the song by fading it slightly;
- I worked the bridge a lot to bring back the crazy horns and I hope to put a smile on the musicians' faces this time : );
- I controlled the volume of the distorted guitar and cleaned up the mid-highs a bit to improve the relation with the vocal.
- In the bass I tried to improve the low-end and control the relation with the kick; I also gave a little more gain.
- In the first version I had removed a lot from the Calabash, both with EQ and with Cableguys' Volume Shaper to avoid clashing with kick. Now I have returned much of what I had taken out and the result was much better, including bringing back a note in the off beat that restored the entire groove of the instrument. This slip of mine in the first mix was very well noted by Ady.

So that's it. I hope it's gotten better. Once again I thank Ady for this opportunity to mix such an interesting song, which made me very happy with the result. Congratulations to everyone who participated, especially to those who made it to the second stage. Good luck to everyone! :clap: :clap:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 until until 14-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mork »


here's my Round 2 revision:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oqtPAO ... sp=sharing

I tried to implement the feedback and did some slight balance adjustments (which also helped the vocal). Hope you like it! :phones:

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 until until 14-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Los_ady »

Cool, thank you everyone for the fixes and describing the changes you made, makes me smile ;)

Can't wait to listen to all of your work, you rock!!! You'll hear soon from me!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 until until 14-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by dstra »

Hi everyone,

I would also like to thank Ady very much for the feedback, which was very valuable to me.

Here is the revised mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S34Sn8 ... sp=sharing

Changes based on Ady's feedback:
  • high frequecies boosted on various tracks
  • annoying frequencies of bass reduced at around 300 Hz
  • low mids of bass and guitars cleaned up
  • kick boosted
  • vocals raised in chorus a little bit
  • last part of intro: guitar added also on right side to keep stereo balance
I hope you enjoy it :phones:

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 until until 14-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by MrFlat »

Here is my corrected mix

My first mix for round 1 was done in a hotel room on apple buds....I barely made it for round 2

I was happy with my level and pan choices, but EQ and compression needed some tweeking

Here it is:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/uuy11d1aeviwp ... 2.wav?dl=0
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Mister Fox »

It's the 15th September 2022, 00:10 (UTC+2) - the 2nd Mix Round has officially ended.

  • Unfortunately, not everyone has sent in an edit (missing: @UHLS)
  • We have 0 Wild Card uses to advance into the next round (not present this month)
  • We have 0 participant that decided on not to advance through the use of a Wild Card
  • We have 0 submissions after the deadline

Please check your upload links again (I could download all files), and have an eye on this thread for more feedback and a possible Mix Round 3, or an announcement of the final results.

I'm now opening up the room (again) for Q&A's and giving each other feedback (which is highly encouraged)

Please check out all other games on the community. The Songwriting Competition is still in full swing. :tu:
Please also consider becoming a Song Provider - no more material means no more Mix(ing) Challenges

See you on the flipside.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Los_ady »

Hey everyone!!!

I'm still on it, the onboarding for the Social Project Habibi Works took a bit longer then expected, I should have the final winners by tomorrow :)

Apologies for the delay!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Los_ady »

Believe it or not, need a 3rd Mix!

Congratulations to the 7 Engineers making it to the final Round 3, feedback is given below:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing

In Round 7 are:

@Christoph Stoll

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to make the additional changes, I know Mixing can be tricky and it might be even trickier to Re-Mix/Fix an existing Mix!

In the end we do everything from a place of Love with the best intentions and hope this can be helpful for you, so a big bravo and thank you all for participating, you Rock!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by mixedbyadn »

Thank you for the feedback, I’ll definitely check the tone of the bass! :hmmm:

Congrats to the selected ones!!
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC087 August 2022 - Mix Round 3 until until 27-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

Thank you for handling the evaluation, @Los_ady.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us kick off Mix Round 3, which will end on Tuesday, 27-SEP-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

As of this moment, that is 3 days (plus the hours since @Los_ady's announcement, and I've updated the post). All Mix Round 3 participants will be sent a reminder via mail shortly.

There is a GLOBAL COUNTDOWN available to check for deadlines.
Just follow this link: Global Countdown (on homepage)

The following 7 participants go into Round 3 (alphabetical order), no "wild-cards" pointed out.
(all Mix Round 3 participants should have been pinged)

@Christoph Stoll
 ! Bonus Info
Please read more about the "Wild Card" game mechanic here
Mix Challenge - Addendum: Statistic Sheet and Wild Card Mechanic

Info: Wild Cards can not be used for Mix Round 3

The feedback to the productions can be found here:
viewtopic.php?p=13492#p13492 (check the Google Document!)

If you are unsure what to do exactly with your mix, reach out to the song provider and engage in a conversation here on the forum.
And please keep the Rules and Guidelines (post #6) in mind regarding submitting your entry.
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