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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Winners announced

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White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by White Punk OD »

Hello @Mellow Browne, Mr. Fox, and fellows.

Thanks to Patrick for the sensitive, detailed comment.
Here is my R2, basically I followed the suggestions.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bbrsnJ ... sp=sharing

Refined the kick, added AirWindows Point! which is some kind of compressor and exciter.
Some tweaks in the 808 bass. Lowered sustain with a transient designer.
Hihat was too loud, reduced level and HF band.

Piano track got doubled, the new one is panned left, and has some different EQ.
Just a nuance, but plays into the stereo reverbs.

Bells got refined with a transient designer and some hi shelf EQ,
then the whole melody and instrumental track got a FET EQ that colors it up a bit and makes the sounds longer.

Vocals beefed up with Blackbox HG-2 for presence.
Additional vocals, levels corrected, some were too loud.

Autotune Track, the tuner now has softer settings, so it does not make that much of a "Cher" effect but improves the pitch.
A very subtle track with multiple voices was laid under this, for some thickening.
Basically, that vocal and the gun shot have the same 3-dimensional settings, "cineastic" scene outside in a narrow lane or perhaps parking lot.

Did a little beat mute (includes 808) at the suggested place. Goal for this was, that intensity with the riser sound is smoothly integrating in the flow.

Thanks, have fun, let us see what happens. :tu: :phones:
Alex Van mixland
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Alex Van mixland »

Thank you for the feedback and choosing my mix!
Here is my mix for round 2:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vb1vSu ... sp=sharing

It has now better balance and overall more colors.

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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Mister Fox »

It's the 10th January 2025, 00:10 (UTC+1) - the 2nd Mix Round has officially ended.

  • Unfortunately, not everyone has sent in an edit (I count 13 out of 15), we therefore have 2 disqualifications (@Drannob and @Mitchellpmusic didn't submit anything)
  • We have 1 Wild Card use to advance into the next round (@Shubhashish)
  • We have 1 participants that decided on not to advance through the use of a Wild Card (02 were available this month, @Drannob didn't use a Wild Card)
  • We have 0 submissions after the deadline
  • We have 0 submission that could not be downloaded by the time of this post and are therefore disqualified (re-checked 10-JAN-2025 0:05 UTC+1/CET)

I will reach out to @Mellow Browne and forward all entries/statistics by sometime tomorrow (Saturday, 11-JAN-2025). Please have an eye on this thread for more feedback and a possible Mix Round 3, or an announcement of the final results.

I'm now opening up the room (again) for Q&A's and giving each other feedback (which is highly encouraged)

Please check out all other games on the community. Most notably our Songwriting Competition - which is currently still in the submission and "work in progress" feedback period.

Please also consider becoming a Song Provider. Our Song Pool is running dry! No more material means no more Mix(ing) Challenges. The genre is not important -- but it must be a finished production.

See you on the flipside.
Mellow Browne
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Mellow Browne »

Hello all,

thank you so much for participating in Round 2, I'll evaluate your mixes in the next few days.

Also, thanks so much for the nice and detailed chats in the background I had with some of you guys, you did me a huge favour with this and I obtained really interesting informations. This will help me a lot and I'll put some of that into my personal notes for this mix challenge! :educate:

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Mitchellpmusic »

Hello everyone,

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o0hyv74x ... 0ow8b&dl=0

I apologize for my late response and I know it can't be accepted but I still wanted to upload since I did go through all of my feedback, made adjustments and was extremely excited to get a shot at Round 2. I am currently out of town and having multiple delays with my flights back home due to severe weather conditions and I’ve now gotten sick from a stomach bug or food poisoning🤦🏻 This was my first mix challenge and I did go through all the rules, regulations, and past posts but l'm still learning the ropes so again, my apologies.

Thank you so much Mellow Browne for all of your in depth feedback! I think your notes greatly improved the mix and I know that Focal sound you are talking about haha! I was excited to hear that you loved the extra beat mutes that I added as well! I know the rules said we didn't need to but it felt so right after adding them hahaha.

Overall for my mixing technique, I take my time carving things out and making room for each element. I'll make each group (drums, bass, vocals, music, etc) sound great on its own and then slowly put things in to make them fit together. After I get everything to a good spot and essentially mixed I'll go through with effects and create moments and scene changes to give the song movement and feel. I try to separate editing, mixing, and creating effects into different days or at least different sections of the day because I can easily get burnt out sitting for hours at my desk. I've found that splitting things up also helps me to stay creative without risking losing the vision for the song.

Again, I'm really sorry for my late submission and even though it can't be accepted I hope you and the other forum users are able to get some value from my post. Thank you again and a huge thank you to Mister Fox. This platform and community is exactly what I was looking for when I found it and it is a fantastic opportunity for us engineers! Like I said in my first submission, this was my first mix challenge, and it definitely won't be my last. I'm beyond excited to be a part of this community and can't wait for what is to come!
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by White Punk OD »

Meanwhile, to bridge the silence,
I would ask for a conversation about the various sampler and keyboard instrumental tracks, including bells and risers.

How meticulously should they be automated and refined soundwise?
How much detail do we want to hear, and which detail? I followed the suggestions and made the bells more audible with some presence and high transient boost.
In Rap it happens that the artist picks a beat that is quite low-fi and was not worked on for too long, then requests "more cowbell (or 808)" and this is it.

How loud and distorted should the mastered final product come out, we need to prepare the master bus and emphasize the kick and beat sounds, so that it can be achieved.
I was careful with the beat, because it should sound clear and polite enough right now, to not blow the speakers that come with the little SEAT, or the home hi-fi. Some folks have 2000W woofers in their cars and you hear them coming from a mile away.
So, some tracks in this genre come with wild distortion and clipping, but I don't have the expertise or dedicated experience for this.

But for more fun, I can share my vocal chains in detail.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

(A) ERA6 Plosive remover, bx_cleansweep pro (steep 110Hz low cut), TDR Nova GE (room mode and mic ringing clean-up), ADT (airwindows, Haas Delay), Bettermaker BM60 (Lexicon ambience), Amek 200 console, TinyQ -0.5dB at 3k.
-- this was printed without the delay and the reverb, and used for B.
(B) parallel mult: vocal doubler (iZotope, amount 77, separation 67, variation 50), ADT (somewhat longer delays than A), BlackBox HG-2, BM60.
B has about 6dB lower level than A, but this is a very raw estimate because the console EQ changes level impression a lot, and I didn't activate meters to check that out for a precise reporting.

The BM60 has low CPU load so I can avoid an aux bus and used somewhat different settings in the insert instances. Seems to work well.

1 - o.64 right, 2 - o.8 left, 3 - center.
2 and 3 got Nova GE "smart ops" for auto-cleaning (similar to Soothe).
same level all 3 but Nova makes a level difference.
Hook BUS:
SSL 4000G (so we get a different flavor between verse and hook), BM60 (room not plate, lenght = position 2 not 1), HG-2 (presence boost), TinyQ with a proximity-trick setting + anti-fizz lowpass.

Note that some compression is active in the channel strips, but basically, the Nova GE spares a lot of "dumb" compression in that it compresses 6 auto-selected bands that have annoying level changes, ringing, wailing etc. so we can then tweak these 6 to our taste.

sorry I should have leveled up the vocals 1-2 dB but I was late and did not check twice. My bad. It's caused by inserting the compressor to the instrumental bus.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by scottfitz »

White Punk OD wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 15:11 CET
Meanwhile, to bridge the silence,
I would ask for a conversation about the various sampler and keyboard instrumental tracks, including bells and risers.

How meticulously should they be automated and refined soundwise?
How much detail do we want to hear, and which detail? I followed the suggestions and made the bells more audible with some presence and high transient boost.
In Rap it happens that the artist picks a beat that is quite low-fi and was not worked on for too long, then requests "more cowbell (or 808)" and this is it.

How loud and distorted should the mastered final product come out, we need to prepare the master bus and emphasize the kick and beat sounds, so that it can be achieved.
I was careful with the beat, because it should sound clear and polite enough right now, to not blow the speakers that come with the little SEAT, or the home hi-fi. Some folks have 2000W woofers in their cars and you hear them coming from a mile away.
So, some tracks in this genre come with wild distortion and clipping, but I don't have the expertise or dedicated experience for this.

But for more fun, I can share my vocal chains in detail.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

(A) ERA6 Plosive remover, bx_cleansweep pro (steep 110Hz low cut), TDR Nova GE (room mode and mic ringing clean-up), ADT (airwindows, Haas Delay), Bettermaker BM60 (Lexicon ambience), Amek 200 console, TinyQ -0.5dB at 3k.
-- this was printed without the delay and the reverb, and used for B.
(B) parallel mult: vocal doubler (iZotope, amount 77, separation 67, variation 50), ADT (somewhat longer delays than A), BlackBox HG-2, BM60.
B has about 6dB lower level than A, but this is a very raw estimate because the console EQ changes level impression a lot, and I didn't activate meters to check that out for a precise reporting.

The BM60 has low CPU load so I can avoid an aux bus and used somewhat different settings in the insert instances. Seems to work well.

1 - o.64 right, 2 - o.8 left, 3 - center.
2 and 3 got Nova GE "smart ops" for auto-cleaning (similar to Soothe).
same level all 3 but Nova makes a level difference.
Hook BUS:
SSL 4000G (so we get a different flavor between verse and hook), BM60 (room not plate, lenght = position 2 not 1), HG-2 (presence boost), TinyQ with a proximity-trick setting + anti-fizz lowpass.

Note that some compression is active in the channel strips, but basically, the Nova GE spares a lot of "dumb" compression in that it compresses 6 auto-selected bands that have annoying level changes, ringing, wailing etc. so we can then tweak these 6 to our taste.

sorry I should have leveled up the vocals 1-2 dB but I was late and did not check twice. My bad. It's caused by inserting the compressor to the instrumental bus.
Hi White Punk,
In terms of mastering if you ask the question "how distorted should it be?" the answer is always "as little as possible" If you are asking how loud should it be? There isn't a simple answer to this, however one way to get yourself an answer that would have some validity would be to take the top 3 best selling trap genre records of the last 5 years say and take the average of the loudness. I don't think this is a good use of time however. I imagine that in the real world, each project will have it's own specific requirement. One client will want it stupidly loud and so you'll make that one loud, another client will want it at the Spotify loudness of -14 LUFS or whatever it currently is. Another client might ask you to recommend how loud it should be. My answer for how loud should something be is that it should be as loud as possible without me noticing that important dynamics have been lost. At which point this is, will depend on the material. For me I think -8 LUFS which seems to be a standard for many people is just too loud, the music is always significantly compromised. I personally like the level that the Mix Challenge goes to I think music doesn't need to be any more than -16 LUFS and I think we should live in a world where intelligent people rule and users are encouraged to use their volume controls if they would like their music louder. The loudness war is as stupid as the fake beauty war, imagine women having more and more and more cosmetic surgery and constantly claiming that they are becoming more beautiful.
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by White Punk OD »

I think the general thoughts have been discussed enough and written knowledge is available in abundance.

Let me reframe:
I made a "radio mix" to translate on several smaller devices.
Who did make a "club mix" consciously?
In my limited knowledge and monitoring, I'm not making a club mix anytime soon,
and I think requirements can be targeted as an instructive part, by those who have the ambition,
according to the type of material we have particularly in this season of the tournament.
What will be the particular choices and requirements of the song provider, now that we have a pool of results?
Is it possible with this track, to hit two birds with one stone?
Mellow Browne
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation


Post by Mellow Browne »

Hello everybody,

thanks again for participating and making adjustments in your mixes for Round 2. It was a nice experience to listen to your 2nd revision and I even learned more things. This time my feedback is not so detailed like in Round 1 simply because there are less flaws in most of the mixes.

So, here is the feedback:
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Some notes about Round 2:
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About saturation/distortion in general:
Please, don’t just add saturation or anything else because some youtuber/influencer said so or because your favourite mixing engineer does it in every of his mixes. Or because you think/believe the songs needs it. If you are not sure just don’t do it! Just do things you REALLY can hear and where you can hear a difference. Like I said before, I would recommend you to only use the stock compressor + EQ for a certain amount of time and learn how clean compression sounds (you can get a lot of saturation out of a clean compressor, just use a very short attack and a high ratio > 8:1 + 6dB and more of GR). I have the impression some people just do certain things because they heard a tip from somebody but they don’t really know why and what to listen for in context. Learning how clean compression sounds will boost your listening experience a lot!

General advice from me:
Please, all of you visit an ENT and check your hearing ASAP! With over 8 years of experience as a hearing care professional I can tell you that many people are not aware of their hearing impairment. For a very short period I was even a student of hearing acoustics in the city of Lübeck, Germany. But I had some health issues and I really wanted to go back to my hometown.

An estimated 1,5 BILLION!!! people worldwide live with some form of hearing impairment. I personally would even say more than 2 billion people because so many are simply not aware of it and the lack of understanding and knowledge regarding this topic is huge.

Statistically, from 69 participants, roundabout 12-18 people „should“ suffer in some form or another from hearing impairment. Some of you even mentioned problems. I can also hear it now in some mixes. Please, I don’t want to offend/insult you and I have to give you my highest respect!

I really want you to KNOW your audiogram, this is very important, especially if you are a musician, mixing engineer etc. You cannot know how good or bad you actually hear without an accurate measurement. You cannot know how fast you run, how much you weight etc. unless you measure these things. It would be negligent to only estimate these things and to believe that you can hear everything. Many clients are not aware of their „handicap“ until it is a moderate hearing impairment (hearing threshold is below -50 dB HL in an audiogram (HL stands for „Hearing Level“ and is a quasi Fletcher-Munson curve or equal loudness contour).

About 80% of all hearing impairment cases are so called „noise-induced“. Typicall for this type of hearing loss is a notch @ 4 kHz in the audiogram which becomes over the years a high shelf cut. This means that the natural amplification of low level sounds is not functioning correctly. This can lead to „recruitment“, a diminished dynamic range of the hearing. People still have their absolute loudness and pain threshold in the normal range (90-120 dB HL in an audiogram), only low level noise (below 50 dB SPL) is not audible from 4 kHz and upwards.

People often complain about difficulties in a noisy environment, they are very often stressed because of certain sounds (like high pitched sounds such as women’s and children’s voices, bells and alarms etc.) and background noises, mainly due to the lack of the natural noise filtering of the brain in such circumstances and/or the slightly distorted sound the cochlea is producing on a physical/medical level in that specific frequency area on the basilar membran/ organ of Corti.

Talking on the phone or with more than 3 people in a noisy environment can become a challenge and sometimes people avoid these situations on a subconsious level. On the other hand, there is this phenomenon called „Cocktail-party effect“. Another common problem is the difficulty with directional hearing/auditory localization. One problem is the signal-to-noise ratio which needs to be positive for hearing impaired people (like +3dB and more). A „normal and healthy“ hearing can handle a negative signal-to-noise ratio up to -10 dB and more in some cases.

I started to play the drums a few years ago and I eventually bought an acoustic set in November 2024. I play everyday for at least an hour and I ALWAYS wear custom-made ear protection with 25 dB filters under my headphone, but I’m aware that my ears still will suffer in the next 10-15 years in one way or another because of high SPL. Luckily, I’m not a heavy hitter. I still monitor some sessions with an spl meter to check things and to understand the data a bit better. My ears are good for the moment (last hearing test was 6 months ago) but it is expected that hearing is deteriorating with the age of 40-45. I will visit an ENT every year from now on to check my hearing apparatus constantly. Regardless of your age I recommend you to also visit an ENT in the near future so that you exactly know how you hear. A measurement takes up to 15-20 minutes for sine tone and speach measurements (this is different from country to country). Do yourself and others a favour by doing the same, imo this is very important!

I hope this helps!

And now the Top 3:
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Congratulations to the podium!

I wish you all the best,
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

First and foremost, congratulations to the winners!
We are ending the game here, there will be no Mix Round 3.

:arrow_right: The winners podium consists of:
  1. @MFTWC .....(entries: Mix Round 1, Mix Round 2)
  2. @Mork .....(entries: Mix Round 1, Mix Round 2)
  3. @dstra .....(entries: Mix Round 1, Mix Round 2)

:arrow_right: For learning purposes:
Here are the Statistic Sheets for Mix Round 2
Mix Round 2 - Overview of Submissions (PDF - updated: 12-JAN-2025 04:55 UTC+/CET, full sheet)

We perform with the usual - in order of the winners podium (first to last spot), please select one license out of the pool and mention it in this thread, then (important) get in touch with me via PM with your full name, email address and your plugin selection. If one company has been selected, it is not available for the rest of the podium anymore.

I'll update the "winners podium" thread shortly.

Thanks again for your participation. You can leave the thread alive if you want to exchange tips/tricks, edits, etc.
And thank you @Mellow Browne for the final words of feedback and encouragement.

Please check out Songwriting Competition 089 -- our yearly recurring special sound design challenge "Community Scramble". The genre is "free to select" (02 entries so far, no feedback yet, but some amazing work and documentation!).

See you on the flipside.
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