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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Winners announced

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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

Hello and welcome to the Mix Challenge 101 - December 2024

 ! Bonus Info
For the last Mix(ing) Challenge of the year, you have the chance to work on a (German) "Trap" production by community regular @Mellow Browne, who has kindly provided these multi-tracks. The song is called "Trap House", and was actually an entry for Songwriting Competition 066 in February 2023.

A fair warning upfront: the lyrics of this song may be considered "explicit". An English translation is available.

One of the challenges this month, is to create an upfront sound that is typical of this genre, while trying to still have subtle intricate details from some of the instrumentation. You will also have the opportunity to use various audio tools at your disposal (reverb, delay, stutter effects, etc.) to do some creative sound design in certain sections of the song. Find out more in the "Words" and "TL;DR Rules" TXT files.

Have we piqued your interest?

Then please take special note of the attached TXT files in the Mix Pack. And please read about the details and special requirements for handling this mix further down below.

:information_source: BEFORE WE GET STARTED:
  • Please consult the official "Rules and Guidelines" (TL;DR version) for the Mix Challenge regarding principles of the game, upload/submission guidelines, the concept of documenting your edits, and maximum allowed loudness. The Multi-Track Mix Pack also features a "TL;DR Rules.txt" file with the game specific filename template and distribution specs.
  • The focus of this game is "mixing". Try to create a mix in your own style that complements this production and can stand on it's own, no matter the playback medium. Edit/Mix in such a way, that barely any after-touches other than proper fade in/out and finalizing for distribution (incl. loudness adjustments e.g. for release on Streaming, Vinyl, Tape, CD) is needed for a possible follow-up mastering step.
  • The "Mix Pack" and additional information for this months production can be found in in post #002
Read more about this month's competition further down below. And if you got any question, please also reach out on Discord.


Post #001 -- Introduction post and index for the various stages of the Songwriting Competition. Will be updated as we progress
Post #002 -- Submission Period: General Information, Source Material, License Sponsors
Post #003 -- One Time Reminder -- general task, filename template, distribution format, off-site license distribution agreement
Post #111 -- Mix Round 1 Statistics/Data Sheet: Overview of Submissions - is your entry within given parameters?
Post #142 -- Mix Round 2: Global Feedback and Round 2 Participant Announcement
Post #000 -- Mix Round 3: <optional>/<not happening this game>
Post #179 -- Results: Winner announcement
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »


Time Frame: Sunday, 01st December 2024 to Tuesday, 24th December 2024 (21+3 days, extended timeframe)

Challenge submission will end on 24-DEC-2024, 23:59 UTC+1/CET (Germany) - until further notice.

Want to find out if you're still within the deadline, please either consult the Global Countdown (dedicated page), or the countdown on the landing site. There will also be short reminders on Social Media and on Discord.

Song Provider: Mellow Browne (forum user @Mellow Browne)
Song Name and Length: Trap House, 2:59 min
Song Information: 134 BPM / Signature: 4/4
File Format: WAV, 48kHz, 24bit (source)

GENRE: Trap (Hip Hop sub genre)

:arrow_right: Preview of the Song (Demo Mix):


phpBB [media]

INFORMATION: This version might sound different from the provided multi-tracks.


:arrow_right: SOURCE FILES:

Main Mix Package - full package (365,50 MB, regular ZIP)

IMPORTANT NOTE: download window might show a smaller file size, file unavailable after 24-DEC-2024 (extended timeframe)
File size extracted: 1294,34 MB, packed 365,50 MB (regular ZIP)

The provided files were packed using normal ZIP compression (Deflate, Ultra). This format should work on all operating systems and does not require any special tools to extract. If you have problems extracting the files, please make sure that your OS apps are up-to-date!


A word from the song provider:
Mellow Browne wrote: I created this song for SWC066, the theme for the challenge was "It's a Trap!", Genre Hip-Hop (Trap, Crunk).

NOTE: Explicit lyrics.

The lyrics are not meant to be taken serious, the rapper does not exist and the "story" and scenery are just pure imagination. Therefore, the song was and will never be released officially and this challenge is considered as a "learning session" for everybody participating this month.

I simply used the SWC066 challenge to be creative and to learn new things. I started this whole music journey as a rapper over 20 years ago and I eventually became a beat maker first and later I was also interested in mixing and creating music in other genres as well. So, I was really excited about the theme and wanted to create a modern trap song with a grimy and dirty atmosphere and that typical "808" bass sound.

I wrote the lyrics from a "hustler's" perspective with pretty stereotype hood stories. I mean, the theme "it's a trap" of the challenge pretty much asked for such a song... My main focus was more on the beat and the flow with a triplet feeling that almost every rapper uses nowadays. Even though the lyrics are just BS I wanted to deliver a credible mic performance. Over the years I experimented a lot with my voice to get different tones and characters when rapping, so the verse sounds a bit different than the hook.

I created the 808 with SublabXl, so there is already some distortion printed. This has 2 reasons: #1 sound aesthetic #2 it helps the bass to be more audible on small speakers. The 808 also has a slight "bouncy" feeling to it to create some separation to the kick and the other elements.

The beat seems to sound a bit "pre-mixed". Due to better room acoustics and the implementation of a subwoofer in the last few months I simply adjusted all the presets of the (mostly Arturia) vst instruments (attack, decay, sustain, release, chorus, flanger etc. within the vst modules) according to the tempo of the song to get a nice coherent sound stage from the very beginning before starting with mix revision #2 making it wider and deeper.

Mix #1 (SWC066 / February 2023 entry) is more beefy and aggressive with the 808 and kick louder than in mix#2. Mix #2 (revisit for MC101) has the details more pronounced. The old mix seems to have way too much low end or the 808 and kick are simply too loud in volume. Mix #2 is more balanced overall and I'm more or less happy but I think the low end could have a bit more impact. So, the old mix has too much low end and the new mix is a bit too shy.

Your task is to create a mix which, of course, translates to all possible sound devices, from tiny speakers to big full range systems without loosing or exaggerating the bass content.

I already created some beat mutes and therefore you do not need to add others to the song or any other high/low pitched vocals. The only part that needs some sort of autotuning effect is labeled "Verse Autotune clean", or you can use the printed version labeled "Verse Autotune". I used Melda MAutopitch for the mix but you can use any other similar tool to create this certain and/or similar character and tone.

The other part where you can add something creative is right before the final hook from 02:09 - 02:12 (maybe tape stop, halftime, glitch, gate fx - you should route all beat elements to the same buss). In my mix I used Logic's Remix FX for the gate and bit crusher effect from 02:09 - 02:12 and the filter effect for the end of the song at 02:48. But you don't have to copy the exact or any filter fx I did in the mix, I'm also cool with a mix without any filter automation at all but chances are I prefer the mixes with a few "tasty" things happening. I also did some filter fx automation on the drum buss in some sections. And you don't need to copy the exact same delay throws - you could use a gated reverb instead for example - just be creative and add some flavour.

Have fun!

Rule Summary:
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:arrow_right: LICENSE SPONSORS (Bonus Prizes):

A huge thank you goes to our very generous License Sponsors for this month's game. Those being (in alphabetical order):
Acon Digital, Audified, Hornet Plugins, IK Multimedia, Kilohearts, Metric Halo, NUGEN Audio and Tone2

A detailed list of offerings can be found in the following information block.
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Good luck to all participants.
And most importantly, have fun!
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

The following is the absolute base-line you need to cover prior to joining the Mix(ing) Challenge.

Failing to adhere to the rules will result in disqualification. There will be no additional reminders given.

 ⚠ Moderation Message from Mister Fox  
:arrow_right: Prior to joining this Mix(ing) Challenge
  • You must consult and adhere to the official Rules and Guidelines (long version). Bar minimum, please consult the TL;DR Rules version (also available as "TL;DR Rules.txt" with each Mix Pack, which lists the game specific filename template and distribution specs as well)
  • Add-on Rules / allowed mix techniques for this particular project are mentioned in the bundled "TL;DR Rules.txt"
  • Please pay attention to details such as sampling rate, bit rate, maximum signal strength, file name template and documentation. Check this before you upload your entry.
  • Your entry must be accessible and easy to download by the time the deadline has been reached (21th of the month, 23:59 UTC+1/CET). Cross check with a different device and/or browser.
  • No re-uploads - your submission is final.

:arrow_right: Important Stats to check prior to uploading

Filename Template: MC101__MellowBrowne__TrapHouse__ForumUsername.wav

Song Length: 2:57 min (edit no shorter than 02:55.000min!)

File Format: WAV, 48kHz, 24bit (export)
Loudness (min/max): anything between -24,0 LUFS to -16,0 LUFS ILk, -1,00 dBTP max

:arrow_right: Off-site redistribution agreement
► Show Spoiler

:arrow_right: Request by the Song Provider
► Show Spoiler

INFO: This post is still a test-run to see how many people adhere to given rules. You can find everything you need to know in post #002 and the Mix Pack bundled TXT files. This third post might become redundant some time 2025.

EDIT: Initial Post on 30-NOV-2024 22:20
Mellow Browne
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mellow Browne »

Hello to everybody participating this month,

I hope you enjoy mixing this song I created for SWC066. I'm very curious about what you guys are doing and I can't wait to hear your mixes. What I would like to know especially is on what system you worked to mix this song (headphones, speaker, subwoofer, Room/headphone correction software etc.). Just a short information about it would be very helpful for me to evaluate your mixes a bit better.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer as accurate as possible.

Have fun mixing!

Edit: I'm sorry about the PM I sent to everybody, this was an accident!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by JeroenZuiderwijk »

Hi Mellow Browne,

Thank you for providing this cool track! I remember the ' its a trap challenge' , that was good fun. Your track sounds very convincing for a trap song. Quality material.


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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by J.Golden12345 »

Short quick question are we allowed to edit and shorten the edit?
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

J.Golden12345 wrote:
Mon Dec 02, 2024 03:22 CET
Short quick question are we allowed to edit and shorten the edit?
No, you are working on the material as provided. The runtime is 2:57 (with reverb trails), so it is already a "radio edit".

If by shorten, you mean cutting away the silence in front and back of the multi-tracks (so that you only have 300ms of silence in front and back, for a possible follow-up mastering step and proper fade in/out settings), that is a totally different topic.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Paramnesia »

Here is my submission for MC101.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bD1fc9 ... sp=sharing

This was a lot of fun and exactly what I was hoping for with this site. I really wanted to explore mixing other styles of music, this is my first time mixing a trap song and I'm not sure I got the balance quite right between the vocals and instrumentals but overall I think the mix is pretty good sounds pretty clean on my gear.

It was mixed on Reaper with my Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pros. I don't use any correction or eq on them I tested the mix on my Galaxy S20 and in my Journey to check the mix on a small speaker and in the real world with a sub just to be sure.

Thanks for the opportunity to play around with this track I learned a few things for sure and hope to learn more with feedback and by listening to everyone else, goodluck to all other entries!

For the mix I started with my usual top down mixing style template and just grouped up like tracks together and organized everything.

Master bus has Gulfoss, Virtual Tape Machines, Pro-Q 3 to remove sub information from side band eq and Flatline to give it a mastered quality.

My instrumentals all go to one bus and all vocal tracks are on another.

For the vocal bus I didnt actually treat the main bus but grouped similar tracks together into 4 seperate busses.

The Hook Bus which was the 3 main tracks. I kept track 2 center and panned 1 and 3 both 30% but one left one right. On the bus I used eq for 1dB highshelf at 12kHz, a 1.3 DB cut around 400Hz, a 1.3 dB cut at 250Hz and a 1.6 dB cut at 130 Hz. I found these frequencies just muddied things up a bit so they just needed some taming. Then I am using JST Howard Benson Vocals with some very light compression, some saturation, some more eqing a boost 2dB at 8k (this is a high shelf) a 3dB boost at 3k and a 1dB boost at 200 (this is a low shelf). Then I added a slight bit of the mulitplier for some extra vibe, a touch of width as well. Then some quarter note delay and a small room reverb.

For the verse I touched up each individual track on their own. For the main verse vocals I used a high pass filter at 140Hz, a small cut of 1dB at 190 but also used the multiband feature here to help tame some of the plosives which I found to be a bit out of control on this track.I did a 3.7dB cut around 400 Hz as well. I again used JST:HBV on this track just a bit differently, less grit less eqing only a 1.5Hz boost of 8k (High shelf) and 1 dB around 3.2kHz. A touch more multiplier and width compared to the hook because its a solo track. Then no delay and less reverb but in a slightly bigger room size. For the autotune section I copied the eq and HBV setup but also used JST Howard Benson Vocal Multiplier with a bit of width and voices plus the low octave with some dark room reverb, dramatic vocal density around 10 o'clock and broken tube saturation around the same. Based on the lyrics I wanted this part to sound dark, twisted and a bit unhinged.

The other two busses are using the exact same effects but with different settings to just help fill out the background a bit if anyone wants more info I can provide it.

For the instrumental bus I chose to cut the compressor that I use to follow the snare to add pumping to the mix and just used another one that is super compressed to add parallel compression to the whole mix.

The 808 is in my bass bus which has multiband compression to duck when the kick hits and then soothe just to clean up high end information. I split the bass into two tracks and used a lowpass and a highpass both around the same frequency. For the lowpass track I used subfilter from Plugin Alliance to boost up the bottom end and keep it nice and consistent the highpass track got a touch of vibe and compression from a distressor plugin and that was about it. I then used the highpass track against the drums to make it sound about right level wise then adjusted the lowpass track to boost about as much low end as I could without going over the -1 peak limit lol.

Drum bus has a distressor plugin providing parallel compression on every track. Kick has some eq and saturation on it. The snare bus has a bit of low end control around 4.5kHz and I notched out a whistle around 6320Hz then used a lowpass filter very slightly at 11.5kHz I put both the snare and clap into the snare bus and brought the volume of the snare drum down 2 dB. The highhats has some eqing to control the high end mostly a bit of compression to even them out and soothe just really watching the 1.5k and 8k for any peaks or piercing noises.

The Synth bus has some high and low pass on it and I believe I copied my eqing over from my guitar bus from another track. High end control and a bit of a cut around 600Hz mostly. and then just default soothe on top just in case. I used a bunch of saturation with Saturation Knob by Softtube and Valhalla Supermassive with Morse Code Echoes preset for a bit more vibe on it.

Extras bus had the Riser Pistol and FX on it only the riser got some treatment of -4.5 dB around 1850Hz, some saturation with Saturation Knob by Softtube and Valhalla Supermassive with Dirty Snare preset.

The Final everything else bus has soothe on it and then each track was dealt with individually. Piano had a lowpass around 7k and Izotope Ozone Imager 2 to make it really wide just for space in the mix. Key Flute had a Highpass at 230 and a Lowpass at 7.2k, Valhalla Supermassive using the Brass Blatt preset and Izotope Ozone Imager for added space in the mix as well. Hook Bells Highpass at 207 with Imager again, I used this plugin so much here to just push everything around a bit and give each sound a space to be present instead of just trying to keep everything centered hard or all panned to one side. Bells Low just some eq a notch at 900Hz and a Low pass at 5.5k. Gangsta Choir a high pass at 260 and a lowpass at 6300 with more imager. Clean bells have the same eq as Bells Low except for a high pass at 99Hz as well and Izotope Vinyl for some vibe using the Lo-fi effect.

I think thats pretty much anything please feel free to ask questions if there are any!
Last edited by Paramnesia on Thu Dec 05, 2024 01:38 CET, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by MartialFromentin »

Hi everybody!

Here is the link to my mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10iu8lW ... drive_link

I hope it's not too bad, I'm much more comfortable with guitars wall of sound, but that was quite funny to work on this music genre. :P

What is noticable in my mix:
- low-fi automation for the intro (LPF and saturation);
- SC compression for the 808 (kick);
- the 2 hihats are panned, sent to an aux track with some modulation (Cesium);
- Refire for the drums bus (transient shaper, saturation, sub, clipper);
- autopan for the Adds track
- not so subtle saturation for the Hook double tracks, I love the width it creates;
- a little bit of SC compression for the instruments (kick) to get a light pumping effect;
- more automations than I usually do (volume, panning, effects...).

Mixed with Cakewalk (in a small room) and 2 Presonus Eris e4.5 + Presonus Sub8 (and I always like to listen with my iPhone headphones to check after exporting the mix).

I'm curious to hear the other mixes and to understand what I did wrong... :lol:

Good luck everyone!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2024 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by J.Golden12345 »

Also done with my first mix (I'm still considering going wilder on the filters maybe)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U7cQDx ... sp=sharing

As for what I did:
-More snap with some transient designer
-A little pump on the choir and a hint on the verse raps
-lots of different filters on some instruments and the vocals to empaphise diferent highlights.
-Vocal menace on all vocal tracks for compression and equing
-Vocal synth 2 to embelish some of the side vocals more
-ADT to widen stuff
- lowcutfilter for a zoom in the intro and outro

DAW used: Reaper
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