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MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Jerze »

This was a tough one to mix. I did some editing, some tuning of the vocals and some .adjustment of some of the instruments timing.

I started with getting a balance of the different instrument. Then did some eqing and light compression on the drum. I also tried to fix some of the timing errors, sent everything to a drum buss with some eqing and compression. Next up bass and piano.The Bass I used the di (added Amplitude svx-15) along with the other two tracks then sent those 3to a buss with some eq,, compression, and rbass. The piano compression,verb and some Kramer tape along with some eqing .Well the vocals I tried my hand at tuning some of the different lines didn’t have time to finish ,but learned some things. The processing ssl channel for some eq api for compressing along with some tape.

Thanks for giving use here the chance to mix your song always learn something good luck!

Wav https://www.dropbox.com/s/nglvat4xt01fg ... e.wav?dl=0

Questions or thoughts welcome!
Last edited by Jerze on Fri May 22, 2020 06:52 CEST, edited 1 time in total.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by jasonmountario »

Hi Everyone, this is my first time joining and posting for the forum. I'm excited to share what I've mixed for the competition :)

Thank you for the opportunity dear "mix challenge"! also I really like the tune, it's really catchy and has that 70' 80' vibe... Great piece Cameron!

In general, if not talking about the great details, my main goal for mixing is always to try to keep as true, as clear, and as honest as it is. Meaning that I'm not trying to alter the "sound" or the whole "vibe"... because I believe that what had been recorded is, it is what it is... that's the MAGIC that I need to keep it alive and more importantly, my job is TO "elevate" it but not to "change" it. There's nothing wrong with "changing"..., but to "elevate" seems to work as a better mantra for me.

I always start with fader balancing, and always spend LOTS of time just to have a good sound from it. Once I'm happy with my detective work, by the end of that stage, I supposed to get the big picture and all the bits of problems that I need to figure out, which lead me to the next steps which are the "coloring" stage (Eq, Compression, etc...)

But before that, I need to check the VOX tuning issue and the performance rhythm issue. Yes, for VOX, It was pretty hard, but I tuned it to aim for the natural feeling, I didn't want to lose the organic feel.

But for the rhythm and timing issue, I didn't repair or fix anything. Well, yes if I want to be really picky, in some areas there might be something that's not quite "right" and "tight", but to be honest it doesn't really matter for me, because as a whole performance, it works. What I want is just to keep the magic of the performance, as it is. And to make everything "quantize" as rigid as possible just doesn't work with my taste, it loses the "bounce", the "vibe", the human feeling, and the "BREATH".

Now for my "coloring" stage...

I didn't really "compress" that much, I agree with Cameron, which he wants tight but also dynamic performance. I put tape emulator (I use VTM from SlateDigital) and Virtual Channel (Slate digital) almost on every track just to give that little analog warm and mid bump, after that I tend to color the sound till I like it first, with EQ and Saturator, and then to Shape the sound till I like it, with compression, and perhaps color it again if needed.

at this stage, I'm trying my best to make everything really clear, not muddy, also punchy but warm.

DRUMS: my main goal is to make it really punchy but not too harsh, still warm. I spend quite a time on the detective parts, especially overhead, ride cymbals were to pingy. Special comments for the snare, to make it a bit punchy, I did kind of "gating" in the first chain, before eq/compress stuff, and it gives it a bit of that "click/snap" sound.

Bass: I used just the DI. I re-amp with Ampeg Simulator. EQ + Saturator with API 550 and stuffs inside VMR (Slate digital), and LA2A LA76 for compression.

Piano: I really like the piano take! super ABBA. EQ + Saturator with API 550 and stuff inside VMR (Slate digital). And for compression, I really love Fairchild for piano, it just really gets it tight, punchy but also super warm. I did compress it really hard, to get that effect.

Guitar: I used just the DI... To be honest, I really like the raw take from the amp mic, but my only comment for that is just to much reverb... I cannot do anything about it... So I did my best to re-amp all DI Guitar, with GTR AMP (waves), overdrive mode, and put a touch of spring reverb for both. Panned hard L R. For Gtr Solo, to match up the real amp mic sound, I put Chorus effects and some grist distortion for the vibe.

VOX: Again, the troubles were in the tuning. But once I did it, performance becoming more solid by itself. EQ + Saturator with API 550 and stuff inside VMR (Slate digital), trying to get the air and clarity. A touch of delay (H-delay from Waves), Big Plate Reverb (VerbSuite from Slate Digital), and simple stereo delay. I also messed with Slap Delay, so for extra spice and 70's 80's vibe, I put a touch of Slap Delay from J-37 Tape Emulator (Waves)

PERCUSSION: I don't really do that much. Just a bit of EQ from VMR and compression LA76.

El. Piano: I don't really do that much. Just a bit of EQ from VMR and compression again with Fairchild.

Sax: Cool Solo. EQ + Saturator with API 550 and stuff inside VMR (Slate digital), trying to get the air and clarity and to remove the 1.5k harshness. A touch of Big Plate Reverb (VerbSuite from Slate Digital), Slap Delay from J-37 Tape Emulator (Waves).

Master Bus: I want to get that warm and fat analog mid bump, so again I'm putting VTM and Virtual channel and Saturator. And to glue things up a touch, I put SSL compressor, just 1-2 DB of reduction.

I really enjoy mixing this one, and I hope you guys like it :) Goodluck Everyone!

AUDIO: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l7rOv ... wuUMp3gaHn


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pEmsh ... OgPBLQLJnp
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cc1hw1 ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YUKAV ... 3rVqw-Hohz

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by met_mleyts »

Hi there, U guys really did a good job with stay homing!

I'm also finished this mix, I Luv this song so much.

Heres my mix link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Mq2G- ... sp=sharing

I think this is not what u needed :) MP3 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/19V73Hr ... sp=sharing

a pic for DAW : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14lj57w ... sp=sharing

Thanks for listening to my mix! I hope u guys enjoy this mix and lez stay home safely! :-)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by PenguinJon »

Hello all, first time posting this, and a very new member, hopefully Ive beaten the deadline.

First ever go in logic, using pretty much stock plugins.

Hope you Like..

https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzmc4b33dgou7 ... n.wav?dl=0

Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Nov 19, 2019 23:41 CET

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by cpsmusic »

Take Your Time (Machine)

'I told some of you last Thursday of the principles of the Time Machine, and showed you the actual thing itself, incomplete in the workshop. There it is now, a little travel-worn, truly; and one of the ivory bars is cracked, and a brass rail bent; but the rest of it’s sound enough...It was at ten o’clock to-day that the first of all Time Machines began its career. I gave it a last tap, tried all the screws again, put one more drop of oil on the quartz rod, and sat myself in the saddle...I drew a breath, set my teeth, gripped the starting lever with both hands, and went off with a thud. The laboratory got hazy and went dark...I found myself transported back to 1978 wherein the laboratory had changed to a mid-size sound recording facility. Fortunately I had brought my laptop with me but alas, all it contained were the multitrack files, a copy Waves Tune Realtime and some basic editing software. I entered the facility at once, made myself acquanted with the hardware and set to work. The following is my recollection of the devices I used in this project. I must stress that at one point (which I cannot clearly recall) I came across a scrap of paper which gave cryptic instructions - "to have a hit in 1978 it must sound dry, separated and crisp". The facility was quite well appointed having an SSL E series desk, various Neve preamps and a plate reverb. I should also note that I came across a vocoder and various other analog effects lying abandoned in a dusty machine cupboard. These were used as described below.'

Studio One Pro
Softube Tape (MixFX)
Lindell 80 Bus processor used on buses

Kick - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Snare - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Hat - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
OH - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Rooms - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)

Tamb - Panning by Assistant Engineer (Studio One X-Trem)
Shaker - Panning by Assistant Engineer (Studio One X-Trem)
Shaker 2 - Panning by Assistant Engineer (Studio One X-Trem)

Bass DI - Fender Bassman (Fuse F-59), Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Bass RE27 (Not Used)
Bass Ribbon - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Additional Bass Grit channel - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)

Rhythm Guitar L DI - Fender 50W Tube Amp (Amplitube 4), Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Rhythm Guitar L (Not Used)
Rhythm Guitar R DI - Fender 50W Tube Amp (Amplitube 4), Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Rhythm Guitar R (Not Used)
Rhythm Guitar Bus - Analog Delay (Waves H-Delay), Phaser (D16 Fazortan)

Guitar Solo DI - Small tube amp of unknown origin (Black Rooster CypressTT), Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Guitar Solo - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Guitar Solo Bus - 1176 (Black Rooster VLA-FET), Phaser (Fazortan 2)

Keys - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Keys FX - Tremolo (Pecheneg Tremolo), Roland Dimension D (Acon Multiply)
Piano - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), Analog Delay (Fuse Bucket-500), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)
Piano FX - Roland Dimension D (Acon Multiply), Analog Delay, (Waves H-Delay), Panning by Assistant Engineer (Pecheneg Tremolo)

Sax - Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E), 1176 (VLA-FET)

Lead Vocal and Double - Gain riding by Assistant Engineer (Presonus Mixtool), Waves Tune Real-Time, Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E), LA-2A (Black Rooster VLA-2A)

Backing Vocals - Waves Tune Real-Time, Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E)

Vocoder Vocal - Gain riding by Assistant Engineer (Presonus Mixtool), Waves Tune Real-Time, Neve Preamp (VPRE-73), SSL Desk Channel (bx_console SSL 4000 E), LA-2A (Black Rooster VLA-2A), Mystery Vocoder (TAL-Vocoder)
Vocoder Delay Throws - Analog Delay (Waves H-Delay)

Vocal FX - Eventide H910 for stereo width (H3000 Factory), Analog Slap Delay (Fuse Bucket-500) for depth

Mixbus - Telefunken U373 (Fuse VCL-373), Klein and Hummel UE-100 (Lindell TE-100), Fairchild 670 (IK VC-670). These are barely working but give the track a nice feel.

One plate reverb was used across all tracks (Arturia Rev PLATE-140)

I like the way the song "jumbles to a stop" so I kept the outro but tried to make it sound like the song disappears into the distance.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Zn1DJ ... 99rZaTEsdF


Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by seymourjames12 »

Hey all,

First time posting here. Here is my mix:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/aelspuv69xcjy ... 1.wav?dl=0

Great track. I moved some elements of the structure around I think it gives the song more momentum.

Lots of parallel compression and neve style eqs. Any feedback or questions welcome!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by TPR »

Here's my mix:

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-0rro ... AwXHpeiA17

SSl 4000E by PA used on every channel. Love it. Used a lot of Purple Audio MC77 too.
Typical bus compression around 2-3dB on master with SSL Bus Compressor.

Bass guitar is mix of DIs with PA's Ampeg SVT and Aurora DSP Mammoth (check it!)

Neural DSP Nolly on guitar's DI used pararell with mic track.

Soundtoys Decapitator on drum bus.


Soundtoys Echoboy on vocals and sax.
Arturia EMT-140 for vocals.
Micropitch shift on doubled vox tracks.

I missed close mic of that one Tom Drum hitting nicely. Couldn't gain enough low end from OH track.

Mixed on Windows 7 with Cockos Reaper 6. ITB Only.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC065 May 2020 - Submissions until 21-05-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Padz »

Hi, I enjoyed mixing this track.
Mixed and edited entirely in Logic Pro X
I used Logics stock EQ really only for a high pass and Fab Filter Pro Q 3 for anything more surgical and vintage EQ’s where classic coloured EQ was needed to retain the 70’s feel.
Waves NLS used on all channels and busses
All the normal stuff with the kit, started by using Logic’s Flex Time and time aligning all elements of the kit apart from overheads , gated kick, compression and eq and soundspots kickbox.
Snare was EQ’d and compressed and also used the SPL Vitaliser to help it stand on its own a bit better.
The Hats were EQ’d using the Waves Veq3
Overheads were EQ’d and Compressed.
Room was Eq’d and compressed and also used the Millennia NSEQ-2 (Tube)
Drum Buss, BX Townhouse Compressor, Vertigo VSM-3
Drum Reverb and Delay buss also used
Percussion was EQ’d and Compressed and panned
Percussion Buss, Bx Townhouse Compressor, Fab Filter Pro R Reverb
Bass was Compressed and EQ’d, Drum Buss, BX Townhouse and Singomakers Fatmaker
Rhythm Guitars were lightly EQ’d and Compressed and panned, Buss had BX and light Reverb
Solo Guitar was Eq’d, Compressed and Buss has BX and Fab Filter Saturn (saturation), lexicon Vintage Verb, and Delay, then bussed to 3 Buss Compressors.
Keys and Piano needed onlt a little EQ and Compression, Buss BX and Reverb
Vocals were tuned using Logic's Flex Pitch, SSL 9000 J console, Focusrite SC console and an exciter
Vocal Buss BX Compressor, SPL Vitaliser, SoundToys Little Plate and Microshift
Sax, gentle compression and EQ, BX on the Buss and Valhalla Plate Reverb
Mix Buss Saturation, Waves Vitamin ,Pultec EQ

Mix. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10bAVq6 ... sp=sharing

Screens. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cn1QYU ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m_jP2- ... sp=sharing
Last edited by Padz on Fri May 22, 2020 01:03 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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